[R] Size of win.metafile

Jinsong Zhao jszhao at yeah.net
Tue May 27 20:43:48 CEST 2014

On 2014/5/27 11:06, Boris Steipe wrote:
> I thought so. The behaviour differs when inserting and pasting. See:
> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/926317
> Googling for how to turn this autoscaling nonsense off did not yield an
> obvious result. This probably means that you'll need to adjust your
> workflow instead, e.g. by increasing the margins so your actual graph
> has the right size when the inserted object occupies the full page
> width; or possibly using a different format (pdf?). I can't help you
> further, I don't use Windows.
> Good luck,
> Boris

Thank you very much for your help.

My question is about the dpi information in emf file. Although vector 
image has noting to do with dpi, I check the property of emf file using 
``mspaint'', which display the figure in 96 dpi with size  384x384 px.

In the help file of ``win.metafile'', the xpinch and ypinch may have 
something to do with the size of emf file. However, when setting it to 
72 by windows.options, only the display size in screen has been changed. 
It don't affect the actual plot size when saving it as emf file. It also 
384x384px instead of 288x288px.


> On May 27, 2014, at 13:49, Jinsong Zhao <jszhao at yeah.net
> <mailto:jszhao at yeah.net>> wrote:
>> On 2014/5/27 10:32, Boris Steipe wrote:
>>> What does Word "think" the object's size is? Is it 4x4 scaled at 133%
>>> ? Or is it 5.33 x 5.33 scaled at 100%?
>>> B.
>> Thanks for pointing me the scaling factor.
>> I checked them. For the plot pasted into Word, i.e., 4"x4", the plot
>> is scaled at 75%. The original size is same as the one produced by
>> ``win.metafile'' and inserted into Word.
>> Now, it regresses to my original question.
>> Best,
>> Jinsong
>>>> On May 27, 2014, at 12:28, Jinsong Zhao <jszhao at yeah.net
>>>> <mailto:jszhao at yeah.net>> wrote:
>>>> Jean,
>>>> Thank you for checking the problem. I have the same software with you.
>>>> If I created plot with
>>>> windows(width = 4, height = 4, pointsize = 10)
>>>> plot(1:10)
>>>> Then I "copy as metafile" and paste it into Word. I can get the
>>>> correct size.
>>>> However, if I select "save as metafile" and save it as "abc.emf",
>>>> then I insert plot from file in Word. I get a plot with size 5.333"
>>>> x 5.333" and font 16 pt. It's same as creating a plot with
>>>> win.metafile().
>>>> I don't know why there is different.
>>>> P.S., I run R in a Windows 7 Pro. laptop with screen resolution 1388
>>>> x 768 px and 96 dpi.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Jinsong
>>>>> On 2014/5/27 5:51, Adams, Jean wrote:
>>>>> Jinsong,
>>>>> When I use your code to create the abcd.emf file, and then copy and
>>>>> paste it into Word, I end up with a 4" x 4" plot with 12 pt font, just
>>>>> as you intended.  I'm using R version 3.1.0, and Word 2010 version
>>>>> 14.0.7116.5000.  Not sure why it works differently for you.
>>>>> Jean
>>>>> On Mon, May 26, 2014 at 2:34 PM, Jinsong Zhao <jszhao at yeah.net
>>>>> <mailto:jszhao at yeah.net>
>>>>> <mailto:jszhao at yeah.net>> wrote:
>>>>>    Hi there,
>>>>>    I hope to use the emf plot produced by R in Word. However, I have
>>>>>    problems with setting the plot size. Here is a mini-example code:
>>>>>    win.metafile("abcd.emf", height =4, width=4)
>>>>>    plot(1:10)
>>>>>    dev.off()
>>>>>    I hope to get a emf plot with size 4x4in and pointsize 12pt.
>>>>>    However, I got a plot with size 5.333x5.333in and pointsize 16pt in
>>>>>    Word. It seems that the emf file report its resolution with 96dpi,
>>>>>    but Word assume it with 72dpi.
>>>>>    How to control on the dpi? (In my opinion, vector plot has nothing
>>>>>    to do with dpi). I just hope to control the size and pointsize with
>>>>>    something like the code above.
>>>>>    Any suggestions?
>>>>>    Best,
>>>>>    Jinsong

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