[R] Daylight Saving Time

Vasantha Kumar Kesavan info.vasukv at gmail.com
Thu Nov 6 19:16:06 CET 2014


I am working R on windows 2012 R2 platform, I have updated the latest
hotfixes for time zone information(Microsoft KB 2981580.

But still R is not populating correct date time values(Standard and
Daylight saving).

Could you please advise me, how to enable R to pick up the latest time zone


R --vanilla
Sys.setenv(TZ = "America/Eirunepe");
dt<-c(seq(as.POSIXct("2013-11-09 20:00:00",tz="America/Eirunepe"),
as.POSIXct("2013-11-10 10:00:00" ,tz="America/Eirunepe"), by="hour"));
> dt
 [1] "2013-11-09 20:00:00 AMT" "2013-11-09 21:00:00 AMT"
 [3] "2013-11-09 22:00:00 AMT" "2013-11-09 23:00:00 AMT"
 [5] "2013-11-10 00:00:00 AMT" "2013-11-10 01:00:00 AMT"
 [7] "2013-11-10 02:00:00 AMT" "2013-11-10 03:00:00 AMT"
 [9] "2013-11-10 04:00:00 AMT" "2013-11-10 05:00:00 AMT"
[11] "2013-11-10 06:00:00 AMT" "2013-11-10 07:00:00 AMT"
[13] "2013-11-10 08:00:00 AMT" "2013-11-10 09:00:00 AMT"
[15] "2013-11-10 10:00:00 AMT"

For the “*America/Eirunepe*” time zone, the DST ended on Sun 10-Nov-2013 at
12:00:00 A.M. when local clocks were set backward 1 hour.

as per the latest timezone configuration, the date time sequence should
have "2013-11-09 23:00:00" twice.



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