[R] standard deviation

Ben Bolker bbolker at gmail.com
Wed Oct 8 00:44:47 CEST 2014

eliza botto <eliza_botto <at> hotmail.com> writes:

> Dear useRs,
> Is there a direct command in R to calculate standard deviation of BURR
distribution in R? I know the direct
> function in VBA and worksheet..... but is there a similar function in R?
> =BurrStdev(k,alpha,beta,[gamma])
> Worksheet:
> =BurrStdev(k;alpha;beta;[gamma])=DistStdev("Burr(k;alpha;beta;[gamma])")
> Thankyou very much in advance...
> Eliza 		 	   		

  library("sos"); findFn("{Burr distribution}")

turns up useful stuff.


will give you raw moments, which should be convertible to
central moments etc. pretty easily.

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