[R] Reading text file with fortran format

Steven Yen syen04 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 14 07:55:41 CEST 2014

Any idea how to read a text file with fortran format, WITH MULTIPLE 
RECORDS? My fortran format is as follows, and I do know I need to 
change F7.4 to F7.0, and 2F2.0 to 2I2, etc.
I just have no idea how to handle the "slash" (/) which dictates a 
jump to the next record in fortran. Thank you all.

  10   FORMAT(F8.0,4F2.0,6F7.4,F8.4,3F4.1,2F3.0,36F2.0,11F8.5
      * /2F8.5,F10.4,F2.0,F8.1,F10.4,F11.4,F6.2,F2.0,3F10.4,2F12.7,2F2.0,
      * F4.0,2F2.0,F8.5,5F2.0)

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