[R] accessing confidence interval values from the 'predict' function

Adams, Jean jvadams at usgs.gov
Mon Aug 10 20:43:23 CEST 2015


The more direct way to access these columns from the matrix is:

ci[, "lwr"]
ci[, "upr"]


On Mon, Aug 10, 2015 at 3:20 AM, alc <alc at sanger.ac.uk> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I'm wondering how can I access the confidence interval values ('upr' and
> 'lwr' values) produced by the 'predict' function. For example, I fitted
> a linear regression line using:
>  fit <- lm(y ~ x)
> I then wanted to calculate a 95% confidence interval for the line, and
> did this using:
>  ci <- predict(fit, data.frame(x), interval="confidence")
> I see that the 'ci' object has 'upr' and 'lwr' variables stored in it,
> but am not sure how to access them properly.
> I find I can do it using:
>  upper <- as.data.frame(ci)$upr
>  lower <- as.data.frame(ci)$lwr
> However, I'm wondering is there a more 'proper' way to do it in R? I
> find that things like ci$upr don't seem to work, but am not sure what's
> the right way?
> Kind Regards,
> Avril
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