[R] Windows R 2.15.1 on Citrix

Duncan Murdoch murdoch.duncan at gmail.com
Fri Dec 11 18:49:39 CET 2015

On 11/12/2015 11:49 AM, Tyler Auerbeck wrote:
> We're currently having an odd issue on an installation of Windows R 2.15.1
> over Citrix. Occasionally we will see the application dissapear. Sometimes
> this will happen immediately, after a few minutes, etc. It's never after
> the exact same action or same period of time. I've looked at the even logs,
> but don't see anything that coordinates with that period of time. Has
> anyone run across this issue before? Or can anyone point me to where the R
> application may write some of its own logs?

I think you're on your own using such an old version (released June, 
2012).   It's not even the last patch release of the 2.15.x series, 
which was 2.15.3.  And even if you update to the most recent release 
(3.2.3), we probably can't help you with Citrix, though if you identify 
the problem we'll look into it.

Duncan Murdoch

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