[R] Help

Andrés Felipe Flórez Rivera afflorezr at unal.edu.co
Tue Feb 10 03:07:24 CET 2015

Hi everyone,

I am trying to automate (on a Win7 system) an R script to read data from a
DB2 data base and write it to file, for processing by another system. My
code runs in the R gui perfectly. So I wrote a batch file to call this .r
file and output results to script.out as shown below. When I double click
the batch file everything runs successfully. When I schedule a task to run
the batch file, the R code runs, collects data from DB2 data base, but the
write to file fails every time, only save the header from sql query.

R Code:

jcc = JDBC("com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver",".../db2jcc4.jar")
conn = dbConnect(jcc,"xxx",user="xxxx",password="xxxx")
bd1 = dbSendUpdate(conn, "set current schema PRODUCCION")
bd1 = dbSendQuery(conn,
paste("SELECT *
FROM VW_tabla_1"))
dat4<- fetch(bd1, n = -1)
write.csv2(dat4,file = ".../bd1.csv",row.names = F)

batch file code:

\Program Files\R\R-3.0.1\bin\x64\R.exe" CMD BATCH --vanilla --slave


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