[R] Subsetting a list of lists using lapply

Rolf Turner r.turner at auckland.ac.nz
Thu Feb 19 22:38:30 CET 2015

On 20/02/15 08:45, Aron Lindberg wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I'm working on a thorny subsetting problem involving list of lists.

If you think this is "thorny" you ain't seen nothin' yet!

But note that you've got a list of lists of lists ... i.e. the nesting 
is at least 3 deep.

> I've put a dput of the data here:
> https://gist.githubusercontent.com/aronlindberg/b916dee897d051ac5be5/raw/a78cbf873a7e865c3173f943ff6309ea688c653b/dput

Thank you for creating a reproducible example.

> I can get one intense of the element I want this way:
> > input[[67]]$content[[1]]$sha [1]
> "58cf43ecdc1beb7e1043e9de612ecc817b090f15"
> However, I need to use a lapply function to loop over all of the
> items of the list. I've tried something like this, but it doesn't
> work:
> get_shas <- function(input){ x <- sapply(input, "[[", "content") y <-
> sapply(x, "[[", "sha") return(y) }
> sha_lists <- lapply(commit_lists, get_shas)
> However, this doesn't work. When I run each of the lapply commands
> "manually" it returns NULL for every list, and when I run the whole
> apply function it says:
> Error in FUN(X[[1L]], ...) : subscript out of bounds
> I've tried reading the sections on lists and subsetting in Hadley's
> Advanced R, but I still cannot figure it out. Can anyone help or
> offer a pointer?

At least part of the problem is that for some values of "i" 
input[[i]]$content[[1]] is a list (with an entry named "sha") and 
sometimes it is a character vector.

I don't follow your function get_shas() completely, so I started from 

foo <- function (x){
             z <- y$content[[1]]
             if(is.list(z)) z$sha else NA

I find that foo(input) gives a vector of length 100, 81 entries of which 
are NA.  Entry number 67 at least agrees with what was shown in your email.



Rolf Turner

Rolf Turner
Technical Editor ANZJS
Department of Statistics
University of Auckland
Phone: +64-9-373-7599 ext. 88276
Home phone: +64-9-480-4619

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