[R] Subsetting a list of lists using lapply

Charles C. Berry ccberry at ucsd.edu
Fri Feb 20 18:54:58 CET 2015

On Fri, 20 Feb 2015, Aron Lindberg wrote:

> Hmm…Chuck’s solution may actually be problematic because there are several entries which at the deepest level are called “sha”, but that should not be included, such as:
> input[[67]]$content[[1]]$commit$tree$sha
> and
> input[[67]]$content[[1]]$parents[[1]]$sha
> it’s only the “sha” that fit the following subsetting pattern that should be included:
> input[[i]]$content[[1]]$sha[1]

This should be straightforward. Look at what grepl() is doing.

And look at what names(unlist(input)) yields.

You can either write a regular expression to handle this (perhaps 
"content.sha$") or write other grepl() expressions to select (or get rid 
of) the desired (or unwanted) pattern.

See ?grepl and the page on regular expression referenced there.



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