[R] removing the columns with 0 or NA or 1or NA or 2 or NA

Lida Zeighami lid.zigh at gmail.com
Thu Jul 16 16:58:25 CEST 2015

I have ma matrix which its elements are NA,0,1,2 ! I got my answer bout
removing the columns with 0 or NA or both values but now I want to add
additional condition for deleting the columns! I have to delete the columns
which contain the same value. delete the columns with NA or 0 or both and
the columns with NA or 1 or both and the column with NA or 2 or both (I
should keep the columns which have variation in their values)! I use this
code but didn't work properly:

mat_nonNA<- mat[, !apply((is.na(mat) | mat == 0) & (is.na(mat) | mat==1) &(
is.na(mat) | mat==2), 2, all)]

         1:110590170    1:110888172     1:110906406   1:110993854
 1:110996710   1:111144756
A05363           1                       1                     1
          2                         NA
A05370           0                       1
0                NA                         0                     NA
A05380           1
         NA                   2                NA
A05397           0                        1
0                NA                         0                       2
A05400           2                        1
0                 2                           0                       0
0                       NA                     NA             NA
0                       1

my out put should be like below:

       1:110590170         1:110906406          1:111144756
A05363           1                         1
A05370           0                          0
A05380           1                          2
A05397           0
0                                 2
A05400           2                          0
A05426           0                         NA

Thanks for your help

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