[R] Error: invalid 'labels'; length 5 should be 1 or 4

Branko branko.vermote at ugent.be
Sat Jul 18 15:44:12 CEST 2015

I have read already the other post 'invalid 'labels'; length 2 should be...'
but I don't understand the answer.

I work with the poLCA package and I get this error: Error in factor(ret$y[,
j], labels = lev) : 
  invalid 'labels'; length 5 should be 1 or 4

What does this mean and what can I do about it?

Kind regards

View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Error-invalid-labels-length-5-should-be-1-or-4-tp4710026.html
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