[R] Ordering in Sankey diagram using R and googleVis

Angela angelat416 at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 22 19:15:39 CEST 2015


I am trying to figure out if there is a way to order the left side of a Sankey diagram from most frequent to least frequent. I am using R version 3.2.1 and using googleVis version 0.5.9 for the Sankey. I've tried sorting, but that does not work. Is there anyway to force it to arrange the left ("before") side in decreasing frequency? Something I am missing? Does not have to be using googleVis. Thank you!


Example of the data I have, in a csv file:

before    after
A    B
A    B
A    B
A    C
A    A
A    A
A    B
D    E
F    B
F    B
F    F
G    H
G    A

I reformat the data in R so it looks like this:

before    after    count
A    B    4
A    C    1
A    A    2
D    E    1
F    B    2
F    F    1
G    H    1
G    A    1

Then plot using this:
plot( gvisSankey (data, from="before", to="after", weight="freq", options=list(width=600, height=800, 
    sankey="{iterations: 2}")))

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