[R] Reading some csv files from different folders and add the name of each files to the first column of files

Arnaud Mosnier a.mosnier at gmail.com
Mon Jul 27 01:04:23 CEST 2015

Hi Lida,

You can try this:

d<- choose.dir() # choose the folder with the subdirectories containing the
csv files
f <- list.files(d, full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)

# Here the example for the "sing" files
selsing <- grep("sing",f) #Select the files notaining the word sing

allsing <- data.frame() #Create an empty data frame

# Loop among the selected files
for (i in 1:length(f[selsing])){
  dat <- read.csv(file=f[selsing][i])  # suppose that the csv files have a
  allsing <- rbind(allsing,data.frame(FileID =
gsub("EA_sing_|.txt","",basename(f[selsing][i])), dat)) #Combine the file
ID with the other columns and add the result to the all sing object

Now, you just have to do it for the other cases and save your final object.

Hope this help !



Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2015 15:03:21 -0500
From: Lida Zeighami <lid.zigh at gmail.com>
To: r-help at r-project.org
Subject: [R] Reading some csv files from different folders and add the
        name of each files to the first column of files
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I have 600 folders in which there are 3 csv files. The name of folders are
as follows: EA_aa, EA_bb, EA_cc, EA_dd,....

In each folder there are 3 csv files:
in folder EA_aa there are:

In folder EA_bb:

I need to read all the same kind of files (for example sing files) in one
dataframe but before that I should add a column to each files with the name
of file as a row names!

So in output I should have just 3 csv files such as
EA_sing.csv: (rbind all EA_sing_*.csv file)
EA_ska.csv: (rbind all EA_ska_*.csv files)
EA_tat.csv: (rbind all EA_tat_*.csv files)

And in each file the first column should be added as row names which
containing the file name! So the format will be as follow:
1st column   2nd column  3rd column
   aa                    yhhh                ghj
   aa                     k ki                   Fyh
   bb                     k ki                   vgd
   bb                     k gki                  Fyh
   bb                    k reci                  Fyh
   cc                     k hcd                  hyd
   dd                     lmb                     Fyh

1st column   2nd column  3rd column
   aa                    yhhh                ghj
   aa                     k ki                   Fyh
   bb                     k ki                   Fyh
   cc                     k gki                  Fyh
   cc                     k reci                  oki
   cc                     k hcd                  Fyh
   dd                     lmb                     dsf

1st column   2nd column  3rd column
   aa                    yhhh                ghj
   aa                     k ki                   Fyh
   bb                     k ki                   Fyh
   cc                     k gki                  Fyh
   cc                     k reci                  oki
   dd                     k hcd                  Fyh
   dd                     lmb                     dsf

Would you please help me how to can I do that?

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