[R] Mixed Date Formats

John Kane jrkrideau at inbox.com
Thu Jul 30 16:07:53 CEST 2015

That's what I get for reading without a cup of tea beside me. I looked at 5 and my eye just slide over the last entries. 

I change my assessment : this looks bad. (Tea at hand).

So, presumably Farnoosh may not be able to guarantee the formats for 3 & 4 either unless they are unambiguously dated.

John Kane
Kingston ON Canada

> -----Original Message-----
> From: sarah.goslee at gmail.com
> Sent: Thu, 30 Jul 2015 09:19:55 -0400
> To: jrkrideau at inbox.com
> Subject: Re: [R] Mixed Date Formats
> On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 9:14 AM, John Kane <jrkrideau at inbox.com> wrote:
>> This does not look good. But not too bad
>> Can we assume that the original data is in D-M-Y in all cases. The
>> values at 3 & 4 in the sample data are ambigous, in that someone may be
>> using the American dating system of M-D-Y.  Given the rest of the data
>> it seems unlikely but possible.
> Take a look at 5 and 7:
>>   5  1375 31/12/2011 # dd/mm/yyyy
>>   7  3423 01/22/2011 # mm/dd/yyyy
> They're unambiguously different.
>> Otherwise it looks possible, but probably not for me since I'm lousy at
>> things like grep, to sort the data set into three parts based on the
>> last three characters in the Year part of the date, convert and
>> recombine.
> It would be easy if month and day were consistent, regardless of year
> format.
>> SampleData
>>   id value       date
>>   1  5813  19-Dec-11
>>   2  8706  07-Dec-11
>>   3  4049   06/05/11
>>   4  5877   05/12/11
>>   5  1375 31/12/2011
>>   6  2223 10/19/2011
>>   7  3423 01/22/2011
>> John Kane
>> Kingston ON Canada
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: r-help at r-project.org
>>> Sent: Wed, 29 Jul 2015 21:15:45 +0000 (UTC)
>>> To: sarah.goslee at gmail.com
>>> Subject: Re: [R] Mixed Date Formats
>>> Hi Sarah,
>>> Thanks for getting back to me.Here is an example of my data:SampleData
>>> <-
>>> structure(list(id = 1:7, value = c(5813L, 8706L, 4049L, 5877L,
>>> 1375L, 2223L, 3423L), date = structure(c(4L, 3L, 2L, 1L, 7L,
>>> 6L, 5L), .Label = c("05/12/11", "06/05/11", "07-Dec-11",
>>> "19-Dec-11", "01/22/2011", "10/19/2011", "31/12/2011"
>>> ), class = "factor")), .Names = c("id", "value", "date"), row.names =
>>> c(NA,
>>> -7L), class = "data.frame")SampleData
>>> Thanks for your help:).
>>>      On Wednesday, July 29, 2015 1:50 PM, Sarah Goslee
>>> <sarah.goslee at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>  On Wed, Jul 29, 2015 at 2:45 PM, farnoosh sheikhi via R-help
>>> <r-help at r-project.org> wrote:
>>>>  Hi Arun,
>>>> Hope all is well with you. I have a data with a column for date.The
>>>> date
>>>> format is mixed. There are date values with Month/Day/Year format and
>>>> values with Day/Month/Year format.I don't know how to unify it.I
>>>> really
>>>> appreciate your help.Thanks.
>>> You sent this to the R-help list, not just to Arun, so I'm assuming
>>> this is an R question. The best way to get help is to provide a sample
>>> of your data using dput() and to clearly specify what you would like
>>> as the result - "unify" is a bit vague. paste(x, collapse="") could be
>>> considered unification, after all.
>>> Sarah
>>> --
>>> Sarah Goslee
>>> http://www.functionaldiversity.org
> --
> Sarah Goslee
> http://www.functionaldiversity.org

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