[R] Bug in raster projectRaster?

Mauricio Romero mauricioromerolondono at gmail.com
Tue Jun 2 00:56:05 CEST 2015


I'm sorry I cant post a reproducible example, but the data sets involve are
too large. I'm currently trying to create a mosaic from 2 different Landsat
7 scenes. One of them is in UTM 18 and the other in UTM 17. Before using
the mosaic command, I'm doing

LandsatTransform=projectRaster(from=LandsatUTM17, to=LandsatUTM18)

but i get a raster that is full of NAs and the following warning message

Warning message:
In .rasterFromRasterFile(grdfile, band = band, objecttype, ...) :
  size of values file does not match the number of cells (given the data

Not sure what to do. Any help is really appreciated.



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