[R] Adding legend

John Wasige johnwasige at gmail.com
Wed Jun 3 18:39:13 CEST 2015

​Hello community,

Could somebody help on how I can
​add ​
a legend to my heatmap plot. I need to know what values from the data do
colours ( "red","yellow", "yellowgreen","lightblue4") represent from the
data. The script is here below and attached is the test dataset. Thanks for
your help.


########## script


Pmid <- read.csv('D:/data/MyData1.csv')

Pmid.ts = ts(Pmid,start=c(1981,1),end=c(1995,12),frequency = 12)

# convert time series into vector
Pmid.ts.df = ts2df(Pmid.ts, mon1 = 1, addYr = F, omit = FALSE)
# convert vector into data matrix
Pmid.ts.dm = data.matrix(Pmid.ts.df)
# covnert data matrix into heatmap
Pmid_heatmap <- heatmap(Pmid.ts.dm, Rowv=NA, Colv=NA, col =
c("red","yellow", "yellowgreen","lightblue4"), scale="row")
# you can transpose the dataframe if you want to flip the image
Pmid_heatmap <- heatmap(t(Pmid.ts.dm), Rowv=NA, Colv=NA, col =
c("red","yellow", "yellowgreen","lightblue4"), scale="column")


# example plot
jpeg(filename = "heatMap01.jpg",
     width = 800, height = 400, units = "px", pointsize = 6,
     quality = 100, bg = "white", res = 144, type = "cairo")
heatmap(t(Pmid.ts.dm), Rowv=NA, Colv=NA, col = c("red","yellow",
"yellowgreen","lightblue4"), scale="column", legend(40,
2,legend=c("Title","","Group1","Group2"), fill=c("white", "white",
"green","black"), border=FALSE, bty="n", y.intersp = 0.7, cex=0.7))

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