[R] Revolutions blog: October 2015 roundup

David Smith davidsmi at microsoft.com
Wed Nov 11 00:45:02 CET 2015

Since 2008, Revolution Analytics (and now Microsoft) staff and guests have written about R every weekday at the
Revolutions blog:
and every month I post a summary of articles from the previous month of particular interest to readers of r-help.

In case you missed them, here are some articles related to R from the month of October:

A way of dealing with confounding variables in experiments: instrumental variable analysis with the ivmodel package for
R: http://blog.revolutionanalytics.com/2015/10/instrumental-variables.html

The new dplyrXdf package http://blog.revolutionanalytics.com/2015/10/the-dplyrxdf-package.html allows you to manipulate
large, out-of-memory data sets in the XDF format (used by the RevoScaleR package) using dplyr syntax:

Some guidelines for using explicit parallel programming (e.g. the parallel package) with the implicit multithreading
provided by Revolution R Open:

Ross Ihaka was featured in a full-page advertisement for the University of Auckland in The Economist:

A video from the PASS 2015 conference in Seattle shows R running within SQL Server 2016:
http://blog.revolutionanalytics.com/215/10/demo-r-in-sql-server-2016.html . The preview for SQL Server 2016 includes
Revolution R Enterprise (as SQL Server R Services)

A comparison of fitting decision trees in R with the party and rpart packages:

The foreach suite of packages for parallel programming in R has been updated, and now includes support for progress bars
when using doSNOW: http://blog.revolutionanalytics.com/2015/10/updates-to-the-foreach-package-and-its-friends.html

The "reach" package allows you to call Matlab functions directly from R:

A review of support vector machines (SVMs) in R:

A presentation (with sample code) shows how to call Revolution R Enterprise from SQL Server 2016:

A tutorial on using the miniCRAN package to set up packages for use with R in Azure ML:

Asif Salam shows how to use the RDCOMClient package to construct interactive Powerpoint slide shows with R:

A directory of online R courses for all skill levels:

Using R's nls() optimizer to solve a problem in Bayesian inference:

A professor uses the miniCRAN package to deliver R packages to offline facilities in Turkey and Iran:

Amanda Cox, graphics editor at the New York Times, calls R "the greatest software on Earth" in a podcast:

Hadley Wickham answered many questions in a Reddit "Ask Me Anything" session:

A roundup of several talks given at R user group meetings around the world:

General interest stories (not related to R) in the past month included: visualizing the movements of chess pieces
(http://blog.revolutionanalytics.com/2015/10/chess-piece-moves.html), real-time face replication
(http://blog.revolutionanalytics.com/2015/10/because-its-friday-faceon.html), a world map of antineutrinos
(http://blog.revolutionanalytics.com/2015/10/because-its-friday-mapping-antineutrinos.html), a transformation
(http://blog.revolutionanalytics.com/2015/10/because-its-friday-a-transformation.html), and a warning about "big data"
applications (http://blog.revolutionanalytics.com/2015/10/because-its-friday-are-we-selling-radium-underpants.html).

Meeting times for local R user groups (http://blog.revolutionanalytics.com/local-r-groups.html) can be found on the
updated R Community Calendar at: http://blog.revolutionanalytics.com/calendar.html

If you're looking for more articles about R, you can find summaries from previous months at
http://blog.revolutionanalytics.com/roundups/. You can receive daily blog posts via email using services like
blogtrottr.com, or join the Revolution Analytics mailing list at http://revolutionanalytics.com/newsletter to be alerted
to new articles on a monthly basis.

As always, thanks for the comments and please keep sending suggestions to me at davidsmi at microsoft.com or via Twitter
(I'm @revodavid).

# David

David M Smith <davidsmi at microsoft.com>
R Community Lead, Revolution Analytics (a Microsoft company)  
Tel: +1 (312) 9205766 (Chicago IL, USA)
Twitter: @revodavid | Blog:  http://blog.revolutionanalytics.com

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