[R] R implementation on windows server

Duncan Murdoch murdoch.duncan at gmail.com
Tue Oct 6 21:07:30 CEST 2015

On 06/10/2015 1:25 PM, Sharique Alam wrote:
> Hi Team,
> We are required to install r on a windows server
> Request you to kindly help us in below queries:
> 1> Pre requisite for installing R if any

There are none.
> 2> Do we have to install R and R studio both

R Studio is a separate product; it is a front end for R.  If your users 
want it, you'll need to install it separately.
> 3> Users also want to utilize shiny package ,so do we only need to install
> shiny package or will have to install shiny server also and configure it

Shiny is a package within R.  I don't think it requires R Studio, though 
they're by the same people and work together well.  The server is 
optional --- it will allow your users to make their Shiny applications 
available to others.  If your users want that, it's a separate install.  
The company that produced RStudio and Shiny also runs a service hosting 
Shiny applications; it's free for small demos, but you would pay for 
heavier use.

Duncan Murdoch

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