[R] creating a list based on various mean values

Erin Hodgess erinm.hodgess at gmail.com
Fri Oct 23 10:51:37 CEST 2015


I would like to create a list of random values, based on various means.
Here are the potential mean values:

> k1
 [1]  0.005  0.200  0.300  0.400  0.500  0.600  0.700  0.800  0.900  1.000
 1.100  1.200  1.300  1.400
[15]  1.500  1.600  1.700  1.800  1.900  2.000  5.000 10.000

There are 22 of them.

My original thought was to use "do.call" to produce a list of 22 items of
size 20.

> xr <- do.call("rnorm",args=list(n=20,mean=k1))
> xr
 [1] -1.46443269  0.83384389  0.39176720 -0.17954959  0.28245948
-0.44148055  1.98009926  1.73881739
 [9]  1.37312454  1.40509257 -0.03762214  0.43636354  1.82175069
 1.96439065  2.71731752  1.02388062
[17]  1.20732047  3.08650964  0.87910868  0.13018727

However, I am just getting back one set of size 20.  What am I doing wrong,
please? Or do I need to do a loop, please?  I thought that there must be a
more elegant solution.

This is on a Macbook Air, R version 3.2.2

Thanks so much,

Erin Hodgess
Associate Professor
Department of Mathematical and Statistics
University of Houston - Downtown
mailto: erinm.hodgess at gmail.com

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