[R] doubt with Odds ratio - URGENT HELP NEEDED

Michael Dewey lists at dewey.myzen.co.uk
Wed Sep 23 13:02:04 CEST 2015

Dear Rosa

It would help if you posted the error messages where they occur so that 
we can see which of your commands caused which error. However see 
comment inline below.

On 22/09/2015 22:17, Rosa Oliveira wrote:
> Dear all,
> I’m trying to compute Odds ratio and OR confidence interval.
> I’m really naive, sorry for that.
> I attach my data and my code.
> I’m having lots of errors:
> 1. Error in data.frame(tas1 = tas.data$tas_d2, tas2 = tas.data$tas_d3, tas3 = tas.data$tas_d4,  :
>    arguments imply differing number of rows: 90, 0

At least one of tas_d2, tas_d3, tas_d4 does not exist

I suggest fixing that one and hoping the rest go away.

> 2. Error in data.frame(tas = c(unlist(tas.data[, -8:-6])), time = rep(c(0:4),  :
>    arguments imply differing number of rows: 630, 450, 0
> 3. Error: object 'tas.data.long' not found
> 4. Error in data.frame(media = c(mean.dead, mean.alive), standarderror = c(se.dead,  :
>    arguments imply differing number of rows: 14, 10
> 5. Error in ggplot(summarytas, aes(x = c(c(1:5), c(1:5)), y = mean, colour = discharge)) :
>    object 'summarytas' not found
> 6. Error in summary(glm(tas.data[, 6] ~ tas.data[, 4], family = binomial(link = probit))) :
>    error in evaluating the argument 'object' in selecting a method for function 'summary': Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : y values must be 0 <= y <= 1
> 7. Error in wilcox.test.default(pred[obs == 1], pred[obs == 0], alternative = "great") :
>    not enough (finite) 'x' observations
> In addition: Warning message:
> In is.finite(x) & apply(pred, 1, f) :
>    longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
> and off course I’m not getting OR.
> Nonetheless all this errors, I think I have not been able to compute de code to get OR and OR confidence interval.
> Can anyone help me please. It’s really urgent.
> the hospital outcome is discharge.
> require(gdata)
> library(foreign)
> library(nlme)
> library(lme4)
> library(boot)
> library(MASS)
> library(Hmisc)
> library(plotrix)
> library(verification)
> library(mvtnorm)
> library(statmod)
> library(epiR)
> #########################################################################################
> # Data preparation                                                                      #
> #########################################################################################
> setwd("/Users/RO/Desktop")
> 	casedata <-read.spss("tas_05112008.sav")
> 	tas.data<-data.frame(casedata)
> 	#Delete patients that were not discharged
> 		tas.data                     <- tas.data[ tas.data$hosp!="si ",]
> 		tas.data$resultado.hosp      <- ifelse(tas.data$hosp=="l", 0, 1)
>    	tas.data$tas_d2      <- log(ifelse(tas.data$tas_d2==88888|tas.data$tas_d2==99999, NA, tas.data$tas_d2))
> 		tas.data$tas_d3      <- log(ifelse(tas.data$tas_d3==88888|tas.data$tas_d3==99999, NA, tas.data$tas_d3))
> 		tas.data$tas_d4      <- log(ifelse(tas.data$tas_d4==88888|tas.data$tas_d4==99999, NA, tas.data$tas_d4))
> 		tas.data$tas_d5      <- log(ifelse(tas.data$tas_d5==88888|tas.data$tas_d5==99999, NA, tas.data$tas_d5))
> 		tas.data$tas_d6      <- log(ifelse(tas.data$tas_d6==88888|tas.data$tas_d6==99999, NA, tas.data$tas_d6))
>      tas.data$age      <- ifelse(tas.data$age==88888|tas.data$age==99999, NA, tas.data$age)
>      tas.data                     <-   data.frame(tas1 = tas.data$tas_d2, tas2 = tas.data$tas_d3,
>                                               tas3 = tas.data$tas_d4, tas4 = tas.data$tas_d5,
>                                               tas5 = tas.data$tas_d6, age = tas.data$age,
>                                               discharge = tas.data$resultado.hosp, id.pat=tas.data$ID)
> #    tas.data$discharge              <- factor(   tas.data$discharge , levels=c(0,1), labels = c("dead", "alive"))
>    #select only cases that have more than 3 tas
>      tas.data                      <- tas.data[apply(tas.data[,-8:-6], 1, function(x) sum(!is.na(x)))>2,]
>      nsample <- n.obs              <- dim(tas.data)[1]  #nr of patients with more than 2 tas measurements
>      tas.data.long                 <- data.frame( tas=c(unlist(tas.data[,-8:-6])), time=rep(c(0:4), each=n.obs), age=rep(tas.data$age, 5), discharge=rep(tas.data$discharge, 5),
>                                         id=rep(c(1:n.obs), 5))
>      tas.data.long                 <- tas.data.long  [order(tas.data.long$id),]
>      age=tas.data$age
> ##################################################################################################
> ##################################################################################################
>    mean.alive                      <- apply(tas.data[tas.data$discharge==0, -8:-6], 2, mean, na.rm=T)
>    mean.dead                       <- apply(tas.data[tas.data$discharge==1, -8:-6], 2, mean, na.rm=T)
>    stderr                          <- function(x) sqrt(var(x,na.rm=TRUE)/length(na.omit(x)))
>    se.alive                        <- apply(tas.data[tas.data$discharge==0, -8:-6], 2, stderr)
>    se.dead                         <- apply(tas.data[tas.data$discharge==1, -8:-6], 2, stderr)
>    summarytas                      <- data.frame (media = c(mean.dead, mean.alive),
>                                        standarderror = c( se.dead, se.alive), discharge = c(rep("dead",5), rep("alive", 5)))
> ggplot(summarytas, aes(x=c(c(1:5), c(1:5)), y=mean, colour=discharge)) +
>      geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=mean-2* standarderror, ymax=media+2* standarderror), width=.1) +
>    scale_color_manual(values=c("blue", "red")) +
>     theme(legend.text=element_text(size=20), axis.text=element_text(size=16), axis.title=element_text(size=20,face="bold")) +
>     scale_x_continuous(name="Days") +
>    scale_y_continuous(name="log tas") +
>    geom_line() +
>      geom_point()
> library(verification)
> prev <- summary(glm(tas.data[,6]~tas.data[,4],family=binomial(link=probit)))
> answer = c(prev$coefficients[,1:2])
> roc.plot(tas.data[,6], prev, show.thres = FALSE, legen=F )
> 	modelo<-function (dataainit)
> 	{
>   		#dataa<-tas.data
>   		dataa<-dataainit
> 	 	dataa$ident<-seq(1:90)
>    		tas.6days<-cbind(id=rep(dataa$id,5),tas=c(dataa$tas_d2, dataa$tas_d3,
>    		dataa$tas_d4, dataa$tas_d5, dataa$tas_d6),
>    		time=rep(c(2:6)-2, each=90), out.come=rep(dataa$hosp,5), ident=rep(dataa$ident,5))
> 		tas.6days<-data.frame(tas.6days[order(tas.6days[,1]),])
>   		tas.6days$tas[tas.6days$tas==88888|tas.6days$tas==99999 ]<-NA
>   		#mixed model for the longitudinal tas
>   		lme.1 <- lme(tas~ time+1, random = ~ time+1 |ident, data=tas.6days, na.action=na.exclude )
>   		#Random intercept and slopes
>   		pred.lme<-predict(lme.1)
>   		lme.intercept<-lme.1$coef$random$ident[,1]+lme.1$coef$fixed[1]
>   		lme.slope<- lme.1$coef$random$ident[,2]+lme.1$coef$fixed[2] 	
>   		selector<-as.numeric(names(lme.intercept)) #to select not NA rows. Apply to the vector in the dataset
>   test(dataa$intercept[resultado.hosp==1], dataa$intercept[resultado.hosp==0])
>   	print(summary(model.surv1))
>   	return(model.surv1$coef)
>   }
> Best,
> RO
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