[R] logistic regression with package 'mice'

Antonello Preti antoviral at gmail.com
Mon Apr 11 00:32:27 CEST 2016

Dear all, I request your help to solve a problem I've encountered in using
'mice' for multiple imputation.
I want to apply a logistic regression model.
I need to extract information on the fit of the model.
Is there any way to calculate a likelihood ratio or the McFadden-pseudoR2
from the results of the logistic model?
I mean, as it is possible to extract pooled averaging and odds ratio...

Thank you in advance,

Here an example of logistic regression on imputed data:


imp <- mice(nhanes)

# logistic regression on the imputed data

fit <- glm.mids((hyp==2)~bmi+chl, data=imp, family = binomial)


summary(pool(fit)) ### pool averaging across all imputed dataset

summary(pool(fit, method = "rubin1987"))    ### pool across all imputed

### odds ratio

su <- summary(pool(fit, method = "rubin1987"))[,c(1,6,7)]

stime <- data.frame(exp(su))

names(stime) <- c("OR", "95% low", "95% high")


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