[R] CRAN package check results tabulated ... wasRe: Number of package in Ubuntu

David Winsemius dwinsemius at comcast.net
Mon Apr 25 23:04:13 CEST 2016

> On Apr 24, 2016, at 4:51 AM, boB Rudis <bob at rudis.net> wrote:
> Or grab https://cran.r-project.org/web/checks/check_results.rds and
> read it w/o the need for scraping.

I had not realized there was a repository like that. However, I'm not sure what it means. It's not the same as the package listing on the webpage I referenced, since loading it into R gives a dataframe with more than ten times as many rows. Is there a description of that file somewhere? Does its much larger size indicate that it holds the entire archives file as well as the current CRAN offerings?

> str(dfrm)
'data.frame':	99497 obs. of  10 variables:
 $ Flavor    : Factor w/ 12 levels "r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ Package   : chr  "A3" "a4Base" "a4Core" "a4Preproc" ...
 $ Version   : chr  "1.0.0" NA NA NA ...
 $ Priority  : chr  NA NA NA NA ...
 $ Maintainer: chr  "Scott Fortmann-Roe <scottfr at berkeley.edu>" NA NA NA ...
 $ Status    : chr  "OK" NA NA NA ...
 $ Flags     : chr  "" NA NA NA ...
 $ T_install : num  0.664 8.491 3.184 4.511 5.063 ...
 $ T_check   : num  14.1 NA NA NA 47.5 ...
 $ T_total   : num  14.79 8.49 3.18 4.51 52.6 ...

On the other hand my efforts appear to have unnecessarily duplicated the material that is already obviously displayed in the summary table at the top of that page if one only adds the Note column totals to those of the OK column. <Heel of palm to side of head.>


> On Sat, Apr 23, 2016 at 10:43 AM, David Winsemius
> <dwinsemius at comcast.net> wrote:
>>> On Apr 23, 2016, at 6:56 AM, David Winsemius <dwinsemius at comcast.net> wrote:
>>>> On Apr 22, 2016, at 11:51 AM, mylisttech at gmail.com wrote:
>>>> Dear Experts ,
>>>> I am using R with Spark on Windows and now there is a need to move to Ubuntu. I wanted to know if most of the packages that are available on windows , would they be available on Ubuntu/Linux? If not can I compile the source code of those package ? Has any one of you used the packages on Ubuntu ?
>>> You can get the status of efforts to compile packages on the various machine avaialbe to CRAN at the CRAN package checks page:
>>> https://cran.r-project.org/web/checks/check_summary.html
>> After scraping that page with rvest::read_html I then used `table` to summarize. I posted the full output at the end of this but here are the relevant rows for Debian (for the Ubuntu option) and the Windows platforms tested:
>>> res_tbl
>> $`r-develLinuxx86_64(Debian GCC)`
>>      ERROR  NOTE NOTE*    OK   OK*  WARN
>>  261    59  4150    28  3994    35    25
>> $`r-develWindowsix86+x86_64`
>>        ERROR ERROR*   NOTE  NOTE*     OK    OK*   WARN
>>   295    124      1   3962     25   4064     36     45
>> $`r-patchedLinuxx86_64`
>>      ERROR  NOTE NOTE*    OK   OK*  WARN
>>  259    54  4153    28  3998    35    25
>> $`r-releaseLinuxx86_64`
>>      ERROR  NOTE NOTE*    OK   OK*  WARN
>>  268    54  2578    18  5569    45    20
>> $`r-releaseWindowsix86+x86_64`
>>      ERROR  NOTE NOTE*    OK   OK*  WARN
>>  324    70  2187    16  5885    46    24
>> $`r-oldrelWindowsix86+x86_64`
>>  532   159  1605    13  6028    45   168     2
>> I think the various "NOTE" and "WARN" categories in most cases should be interpreted as "probably OK". It's those initial <blank>'s and ERROR categories that would most likely be the ones affecting users.
>> --
>> David Winsemius
>> Alameda, CA, USA
>> --------- full tables--------
>> Tabulate on just the first letter of hte result:
>>> t(res_tbl2)
>>                                 blank   E    N    O   W
>> r-develLinuxx86_64(Debian GCC)     261  59 4178 4029  25
>> r-develLinuxx86_64(Fedora Clang)   265  66 4191 4001  29
>> r-develLinuxx86_64(Fedora GCC)     265  60 4204 3991  32
>> r-develOS Xx86_64(Clang)           294  70 4075 4081  32
>> r-develWindowsix86+x86_64          295 125 3987 4100  45
>> r-patchedLinuxx86_64               259  54 4181 4033  25
>> r-patchedSolarissparc              364 131 4082 3909  66
>> r-patchedSolarisx86                343 106 4091 3965  47
>> r-releaseLinuxx86_64               268  54 2596 5614  20
>> r-releaseOS Xx86_64(Mavericks)     255 174 2337 5718  68
>> r-releaseWindowsix86+x86_64        324  70 2203 5931  24
>> r-oldrelWindowsix86+x86_64         532 159 1618 6073 170
>> Tablulate on full message:
>>> res_tbl
>> $`r-develLinuxx86_64(Debian GCC)`
>>      ERROR  NOTE NOTE*    OK   OK*  WARN
>>  261    59  4150    28  3994    35    25
>> $`r-develLinuxx86_64(Fedora Clang)`
>>      ERROR  NOTE NOTE*    OK   OK*  WARN
>>  265    66  4179    12  3982    19    29
>> $`r-develLinuxx86_64(Fedora GCC)`
>>      ERROR  NOTE NOTE*    OK   OK*  WARN
>>  265    60  4191    13  3972    19    32
>> $`r-develOS Xx86_64(Clang)`
>>      ERROR  NOTE NOTE*    OK   OK*  WARN
>>  294    70  4066     9  4068    13    32
>> $`r-develWindowsix86+x86_64`
>>        ERROR ERROR*   NOTE  NOTE*     OK    OK*   WARN
>>   295    124      1   3962     25   4064     36     45
>> $`r-patchedLinuxx86_64`
>>      ERROR  NOTE NOTE*    OK   OK*  WARN
>>  259    54  4153    28  3998    35    25
>> $`r-patchedSolarissparc`
>>        ERROR ERROR*   NOTE  NOTE*     OK    OK*   WARN  WARN*
>>   364    129      2   4006     76   3839     70     65      1
>> $`r-patchedSolarisx86`
>>        ERROR ERROR*   NOTE  NOTE*     OK    OK*   WARN
>>   343    105      1   4062     29   3945     20     47
>> $`r-releaseLinuxx86_64`
>>      ERROR  NOTE NOTE*    OK   OK*  WARN
>>  268    54  2578    18  5569    45    20
>> $`r-releaseOS Xx86_64(Mavericks)`
>>      ERROR  NOTE NOTE*    OK   OK*  WARN
>>  255   174  2335     2  5716     2    68
>> $`r-releaseWindowsix86+x86_64`
>>      ERROR  NOTE NOTE*    OK   OK*  WARN
>>  324    70  2187    16  5885    46    24
>> $`r-oldrelWindowsix86+x86_64`
>>  532   159  1605    13  6028    45   168     2
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David Winsemius
Alameda, CA, USA

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