[R] [FORGED] Plotting in LaTeX with ggplot2 in R and using tikzdevice

Paul Murrell paul at stat.auckland.ac.nz
Thu Aug 4 03:48:09 CEST 2016


You might need an approach that converts the ggplot object to a gtable 
and then either combine the gtables as here ...


... or explicitly control the width of the plot within the gtable layout 
as here ...


Hope that helps


On 04/08/16 09:20, Ecstasia Tisiphoni wrote:
> Hello,
> not totally sure if this is a R or a LaTeX topic...
> I am a total newbie to R and LaTeX, and trying to write my masters
> thesis right now... I tried to get this answered via
> https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/tikzDevice/vignettes/tikzDevice.pdf
>  ...but I failed... :(
> I am creating plots in R via ggplot2, and converting them to TeX
> format via tikzDevice.
> Now many of my plots have a legend on the right, which differs in size
> (depending of course on the legend title and text).
> If I now convert my Rplot using tikz() it only scales the size for the
> whole image it creates.
> What I want is: the rectangular plot itself to always be the same size
> for all my plots (no matter how big/small the legend and the axis
> numbers are)...
> My Rscript with some test Data:
> library(ggplot2)
> library(scales)
> require(grid)
> library(tikzDevice)
> #setting time zone
> options(tz="Europe/Berlin")
> tikz(file = "my_output_file.tex", standAlone=F,width = 6, height = 3)
> cars['dt'] = seq(Sys.Date(),Sys.Date()-980,-20)
> plot <- ggplot(cars,aes(y=speed,x=dist,color=as.integer(dt)))+
>                geom_point(size=2,alpha=0.7)+
>                xlab("distance")+
>                ylab("speed")+
>                scale_color_gradientn("dt",
>                                      colours=rainbow(6)
>                                      )+
> #textsize
> theme_bw()+
> theme(legend.position="right",
>       legend.key.height=unit(2,"lines"),
>       legend.title=element_text(size=rel(0.8)),
>       legend.text=element_text(size=rel(0.8)),
>       axis.text.y=element_text(angle=90,
>                                hjust=0.5),
>       axis.title=element_text(size=rel(0.8))
>  )
> print(plot)
> dev.off()
> If I change now the legend text to a slightly longer text, the output
> of course has a completely different plot-size.
> Is there a way to maintain the plot size?
> I hope somebody can help me, or lead me to the information I need...
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Dr Paul Murrell
Department of Statistics
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
New Zealand
64 9 3737599 x85392
paul at stat.auckland.ac.nz

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