[R] question please

Janire Peñalba janire13 at gmail.com
Sun Aug 14 17:43:49 CEST 2016

What is the R code for neuralnet for time series forecasting?

This question might seem very basic but I can´t seem to get the code right.
I have the data for the Pound/Euro Exchange rate for 143 days. I use the
first 115 days of data as my traning set.

And I am trying to train the neuralnetwork by using:

neuralnet(formula, data, hidden layers...)

But I cannot make it work. My question is, fot this kind of data and taking
into account that I only want to do a one step ahead prediction x(t+1) what
would the code look like to then be able to test the rest of the data on
the model given?

Thank you so much in advance

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