[R] Please help: cannot import files from Windows into R

John Dougherty jwd at surewest.net
Fri Jul 15 03:13:09 CEST 2016


As others are noting, the file is not a text file.

Open the file in Notebook or Notepad.  If the editor complains, then
open it in Word.  Save it as a "plain text" file.  You will have to
choose the file type in the "Save As" dialog.  You may run into other
issues such as the field separator.  It is best to limit the file to a
header line containing any field names separated by commas or tabs,
followed by columnar data, again with values separated by the same
sepator used to separate the field names.  Any metadata can be
maintained in a separate text file.  

All of this presumes that your file came from Word or a compatible word
processor.  If it came from some other program and the "txt" type was
simply by you added when you saved the file, we'll need to know what
program the data was created in.



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