[R] nlminb error

J C Nash profjcnash at gmail.com
Sun Apr 9 22:14:15 CEST 2017

Bert has already suggested that your code is too spaghetti to let us follow it.
I tried and got a msg that PKF isn't available for R 3.3.3.

Do you actually have a test that the function can be evaluated? That's often the main issue.

And it does help to try a few parameter sets to see if you have a reasonable function.


On 2017-04-08 08:21 PM, Rodrigo Andres Cristancho Castellanos wrote:
> Hi, I´m having troubel using nlminb this is the warning that shows up.
> Warning: Cholesky factorization 'dpotrf' exited with status: 1
> Variance of the prediction error can not be computed.
> Warning: Cholesky factorization 'dpotrf' exited with status: 1
> Determinant of the variance of the prediction error can not be computed.
> I´m trying to optimize a likelihood function. The code is a little messy,
> you can find it at the end of the email.
> I´ll appreciate any kind of help.
> Regards.
> Rodrigo Cristancho.
> library(foreach)
> library(FKF)
> library(ggplot2)
> library(gridExtra)
> # Model setup
> #3 Factor Independent Model
> delta1<- c(0.006, 0.003, 0.007)
> kappa <- c(0.001, 0.002, 0.004)
> sigma <- c(0.002, 0.005, 0.003)
> rc    <- c(0.00002)
> r1    <- c(0.00002)
> r2    <- c(0.5)
> #All other parameters
> T         <- 110  # years
> delta_t   <- 1 # monthly zeros observations
> dt        <- 1 # monthly r simulations
> n         <- T/dt # number of r simulations
> r_0       <- delta1
> measurement_error <- 0.001 # for zero-coupon rates
> m         <- length(delta1)   # dimension of state variables
> # maturity  <- c(1/12 ,1/4, 1/2, 10) # zeros for 1 factor simulation
> # maturity  <- c(1/12 ,1/4, 1/2, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10) # zeros for 2 factor
> simulation
> maturity  <- 61-xc #
> d         <- length(maturity)   # dimension of observations
> N         <- T/delta_t # number of observations
> premubar1=list(premubar)
> # ----------------------------------------------------------
> # Random initialization of parameters
> init_params_if <- function()
> {
>   delta1_init <<- runif(m, min=0.0, max=0.05)
>   kappa_init <<- runif(m, min=0.0, max=0.05)
>   sigma_init <<- runif(m, min=0.0, max=0.05)
>   rc_init <<- runif(1, min=0.0, max=0.001)
>   r1_init <<- runif(1, min=0.0, max=0.001)
>   r2_init <<- runif(1, min=0.0, max=0.001)
> }
> # optimization parameter bounds
> upper_bound <- c(rep(c(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0),each=m), rep(0.1,d))
> lower_bound <- c(rep(c(0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001,-1.0 ),each=m), rep(0.0001,d))
> actual_param <- c(kappa=kappa, delta1=delta1, sigma=sigma, rc=rep(rc,1),
> r1=rep(r1,1), r2=rep(r2,1))
> #
> #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> #
> #Kalman Filter for 3 Factor Indipendent Model
> Ind_Fact_KF <- function(delta1, kappa, sigma, rc, r1, r2, observations)
> {
>   # initial state variable (a0: m x 1)
>   #r_init <- as.vector(delta1)                    # unconditional mean of
> state variable
>   r_init <- as.vector(c(rep(0,m)))
>   # variance of state variable (P0: m x m)
>   #P_init <- (sigma^2/(2*(delta1^3)))*diag(1,m,m)   # unconditional
> variance of state variable
>   P_init <- (sigma^2/(2*(delta1)))*diag(1,m,m)
>   # intercept of state transition equation (dt: m x 1)
>   C <- matrix(0,nrow = m,ncol = 1)
>   # factor of transition equation (Tt: m x m x 1)
>   F_ <- array(exp(-kappa*delta_t)*diag(m),dim=c(m,m,1))
>   # factor of measurement equation (Zt: d x m x 1)
>   B <-
> array(1/matrix(rep(delta1,d),d,byrow=TRUE)*(1-exp(-matrix(rep(delta1,d),d,byrow=TRUE)
> * matrix(rep(maturity,m),d))),dim=c(d,m,1))
>   # intercept of measurement equation (ct: d x 1)
>   A <-
> (1/2)*t(sigma^2/delta1^3)%*%t(((1/2)*(1-exp(-2*(matrix(rep(delta1,d),d,byrow=TRUE)*matrix(rep(maturity,m),d)))))
>  -2*(1-exp(-2*(matrix(rep(delta1,d),d,byrow=TRUE)*matrix(rep(maturity,m),d))))
>           -(matrix(rep(delta1,d),d,byrow=TRUE)*matrix(rep(maturity,m),d)))
>   A <- matrix(-t(A)/maturity,nrow=length(maturity))
>   B <- array(B[,,1]/matrix(rep(maturity,m),d),dim=c(d,m,1))
>   # variance of innovations of transition (HHt: m x m x 1)
>   Q <-
> array(sigma^2/(2*kappa)*(1-exp(-2*kappa*delta_t))*diag(m),dim=c(m,m,1))
>   # variance of measurement error (GGt: d x d x 1)
>   R <- array(diag(d)*(rc+r1*exp(r2)),dim=c(d,d,1))
>   #R <- array(diag(d)*(rc),dim=c(d,d,1))
>   ##Funcion de filtro de Kalman rapido con base al desarrollo del modelo
> arriba
>   filtered_process <- fkf(a0=r_init, P0=P_init, dt=C, ct=A, Tt=F_, Zt=B,
> HHt=Q, GGt=R, yt=observations)
>   return(filtered_process)
> }
> #aaaa=fkf(a0=r_i(nit, P0=P_init, dt=C, ct=A, Tt=F_, Zt=B, HHt=Q, GGt=R,
> yt=t(premubar))
> aaaa=Ind_Fact_KF(delta1, kappa, sigma, rc, r1, r2,observations=t(premubar))
> aaaa$logLik
> aaaa$Ft
> # Retrieve short rates using Kalman Filter
> retrieve_short_rates_if <- function(rates, optim_controls,
> lower_bound=NULL, upper_bound=NULL)
> {
>   observations <- rates
>   init_params_if()
>   initial_param <<- c(delta1=delta1_init,kappa=kappa_init,
> sigma=sigma_init, rc=rc_init, r1=r1_init, r2=r2_init)
>   if_KF_loglik <- function(x)
>   {
>     delta1 <- x[1:m]; kappa <- x[(m+1):(2*m)]; sigma <- x[(2*m+1):(3*m)];
> rc <- x[(3*m+1):(3*m+1)]; r1 <- x[(3*m+2):(3*m+2)];r2 <-
> x[(3*m+3):length(x)]
>     return(-Ind_Fact_KF(delta1,kappa,sigma,rc,r1,r2,observations)$logLik)
>   }
>   # optimization of log likelihood function
>   fitted_model <- nlminb(initial_param, if_KF_loglik,
> control=optim_controls, lower=lower_bound, upper=upper_bound)
>   return(fitted_model)
> }
> rrif=retrieve_short_rates_if(rates=t(premubar),optim_controls=optim_controls,upper=upper_bound,lower=lower_bound)
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