[R] My very first loop!! I failed. May I have some start-up aid?

Dagmar Ramgad82 at gmx.net
Tue Aug 22 09:40:27 CEST 2017

Dear Jeff,

Thank you! You helped me a lot!


Am 19.08.2017 um 08:11 schrieb Jeff Newmiller:
> Thank you for providing the example code... for the request of running 
> it multiple times it would have helped if you could have confirmed 
> that the example ran through without errors... there were a lot of 
> mistakes in it. Look into using the reprex package to check your 
> example next time.
> I don't do this kind of analysis... I really don't know what to expect 
> from the functions. The final step in your sequence produces a vector 
> of sixteen values, not 1 value, nor 4 values, so I don't know how to 
> obtain the 4x3 result you said you expected... I got 16x3.
> myframe <- data.frame( ID = c( "Ernie", 
> "Ernie","Ernie","Ernie","Ernie","Ernie")
>                      , Timestamp = c( "24.09.2012 08:00", "24.09.2012 
> 09:00"
>                                     , "24.09.2012 10:00", "25.09.2012 
> 10:00"
>                                     , "26.09.2012 10:00", "27.09.2012 
> 10:00"
>                                     )
>                      , Longitude = c( 8.481, 8.482, 8.483, 8.481, 
> 8.483, 8.481 )
>                      , Latitude = c( 54.753, 54.753, 54.752, 54.751, 
> 54.752, 54.751 )
>                      , stringsAsFactors = FALSE
>                      )
> myframe
> #>      ID        Timestamp Longitude Latitude
> #> 1 Ernie 24.09.2012 08:00     8.481   54.753
> #> 2 Ernie 24.09.2012 09:00     8.482   54.753
> #> 3 Ernie 24.09.2012 10:00     8.483   54.752
> #> 4 Ernie 25.09.2012 10:00     8.481   54.751
> #> 5 Ernie 26.09.2012 10:00     8.483   54.752
> #> 6 Ernie 27.09.2012 10:00     8.481   54.751
> # Now this is where my loop is supposed to start. In this example I want
> #to run the following functions 3 times. (In real life more often.) How
> #do I do that?
> library(adehabitatHR)
> #> Loading required package: sp
> #> Loading required package: deldir
> #> deldir 0.1-14
> #> Loading required package: ade4
> #> Loading required package: adehabitatMA
> #> Loading required package: adehabitatLT
> #> Loading required package: CircStats
> #> Loading required package: MASS
> #> Loading required package: boot
> library(rgdal)
> #> rgdal: version: 1.2-8, (SVN revision 663)
> #>  Geospatial Data Abstraction Library extensions to R successfully 
> loaded
> #>  Loaded GDAL runtime: GDAL 1.11.3, released 2015/09/16
> #>  Path to GDAL shared files: /usr/share/gdal/1.11
> #>  Loaded PROJ.4 runtime: Rel. 4.9.2, 08 September 2015, [PJ_VERSION: 
> 492]
> #>  Path to PROJ.4 shared files: (autodetected)
> #>  Linking to sp version: 1.2-5
> myframe$mysampletime <- as.POSIXct( myframe$Timestamp
>                                   , format = "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M"
>                                   , tz="GMT"
>                                   )
> set.seed( 42 )
> N <- 3
> result <- matrix( NA, nrow = 16, ncol = N )
> for ( i in seq.int( N ) ) {
>   mysample <- myframe[ sample( seq_along( myframe[[ 1 ]] )
>                              , 3
>                              , replace=FALSE
>                              )
>                     ,
>                     ]
>   mysamplexy <- project( as.matrix( mysample[ , c( "Longitude"
>                                                  , "Latitude"
>                                                  )
>                                             ]
>                                   )
>                        , "+proj=utm +zone=32 +ellps=WGS84"
>                        )
>   colnames( mysamplexy ) <- c( "xCord", "yCord" )
>   datltraj <- as.ltraj( mysamplexy, mysample$mysampletime, 
> id=mysample$ID )
>   Ddat <- BRB.D( datltraj, Tmax=21600, Lmin=36 )
>   BRBdat <- BRB( datltraj, D = Ddat, type = "UD", Tmax = 21600, Lmin = 
> 36, hmin = 100 )
>   result[ , i ] <- kernel.area( BRBdat, unout = "km2" )
> }
> #> Warning in kernel.area(BRBdat, unout = "km2"): The grid is too 
> small to allow the estimation of home-range
> #> for the following value of percent: 70,75,80,85,90,95. You should 
> rerun kernelUD with a larger extent parameter
> #> Warning in kernel.area(BRBdat, unout = "km2"): The grid is too 
> small to allow the estimation of home-range
> #> for the following value of percent: 
> 30,35,40,45,50,55,60,65,70,75,80,85,90,95. You should rerun kernelUD 
> with a larger extent parameter
> #> Error in getvolumeUD(x, standardize = standardize): NA/NaN/Inf in 
> foreign function call (arg 1)
> result
> #>             [,1]       [,2] [,3]
> #>  [1,] 0.02271428 0.01841934   NA
> #>  [2,] 0.02916494 0.02374206   NA
> #>  [3,] 0.03599915 0.02943263   NA
> #>  [4,] 0.04326174 0.03558258   NA
> #>  [5,] 0.05102744 0.04230549   NA
> #>  [6,] 0.05937594 0.04978273   NA
> #>  [7,] 0.06842678 0.05844826   NA
> #>  [8,] 0.07832443 0.06780540   NA
> #>  [9,] 0.08940262 0.06780540   NA
> #> [10,] 0.10219933 0.06780540   NA
> #> [11,] 0.11765102 0.06780540   NA
> #> [12,] 0.13991202 0.06780540   NA
> #> [13,] 0.19924810 0.06780540   NA
> #> [14,] 0.19924810 0.06780540   NA
> #> [15,] 0.19924810 0.06780540   NA
> #> [16,] 0.19924810 0.06780540   NA
>  On Sat, 19 Aug 2017, Dagmar wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I have a data similar to this:
>> myframe<- data.frame (ID=c("Ernie", "Ernie","Ernie","Ernie"),
>> Timestamp=c("24.09.2012 08:00", "24.09.2012 09:00", "24.09.2012 10:00",
>> "25.09.2012 10:00"), Longitude=c("8.481","8.482","8.483","8.481"),
>> Latitude=c("54.753","54.753","54.752","54.751")
>> )
>> myframe
>> # Now this is where my loop is supposed to start. In this example I 
>> want to run the following functions 3 times. (In real life more 
>> often.) How do I do that?
>> library(adehabitatHR)
>> library(rgdal)
>> mysample <- myframe[sample(1:nrow(myframe), 3,replace=FALSE),]
>> mysample
>> mysampletime <- as.POSIXct 
>> (strptime(as.character(mysample$Timestamp), "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M"), tz="GMT")
>> mysamplexy <- project (cbind (mysample$Longitude, mysample$Latitude), 
>> "+proj=utm +zone=32 +ellps=WGS84")
>> colnames(mysamplexy) <- c ("xCord", "yCord")
>> ID <- mysample$ID
>> datltraj <- as.ltraj(mysamplexy, mysampletime, id=ID)
>> Ddat <- BRB.D(datltraj, Tmax=21600, Lmin=36)
>> BRBdat <- BRB(datltraj, D= Ddat,type=c("UD"),Tmax=21600,Lmin=36, 
>> hmin=100)
>> kernel.area(BRBdat, unout=c("km2"))
>> # unfortunately my data are not a very good example. Sorry about 
>> that. But I guess you know what I mean.
>> # Because I wish to run the functions three times I do want a data 
>> frame (or matrix) in the end, which includes the results (kernel 
>> areas): That means 12 columns and the three lines.
>> # How do I do that?
>> Many thanks in advance,
>> Tagmarie
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> Jeff Newmiller                        The     .....       ..... Go 
> Live...
> DCN:<jdnewmil at dcn.davis.ca.us>        Basics: ##.#. ##.#.  Live Go...
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> Research Engineer (Solar/Batteries            O.O#.       #.O#. with
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> rocks...1k
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