[R] Remove

Ashta sewashm at gmail.com
Thu Dec 7 00:58:22 CET 2017

Thank you Jeff,

subset( DM, "B" != x ), this works if I know the group only.
But if I don't know that group in this case "B", how do I identify
group(s) that  all elements of x have the same value?

On Wed, Dec 6, 2017 at 5:48 PM, Jeff Newmiller <jdnewmil at dcn.davis.ca.us> wrote:
> subset( DM, "B" != x )
> This is covered in the Introduction to R document that comes with R.
> --
> Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
> On December 6, 2017 3:21:12 PM PST, David Winsemius <dwinsemius at comcast.net> wrote:
>>> On Dec 6, 2017, at 3:15 PM, Ashta <sewashm at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> In a data set I have group(GR) and two variables   x and y. I want to
>>> remove a  group that have  the same record for the x variable in each
>>> row.
>>> DM <- read.table( text='GR x y
>>> A 25 125
>>> A 23 135
>>> A 14 145
>>> A 12 230
>>> B 25 321
>>> B 25 512
>>> B 25 123
>>> B 25 451
>>> C 11 521
>>> C 14 235
>>> C 15 258
>>> C 10 654',header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
>>> In this example the output should contain group A and C  as group B
>>> has   the same record  for the variable x .
>>> The result will be
>>> A 25 125
>>> A 23 135
>>> A 14 145
>>> A 12 230
>>> C 11 521
>>> C 14 235
>>> C 15 258
>>> C 10 654
>>DM[ !duplicated(DM$x) , ]
>>> How do I do it R?
>>> Thank you.
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