[R] Problem in shiny writing a .txt file

Ana Belén Marín anabelen.marin4 at um.es
Wed Jul 19 09:19:16 CEST 2017

Hi all!

I'm developing a shiny app and I have problems when I wanna write a .txt 

First of all, I change the directory in order to work in a temporal one:

wd   <- tempdir()
setwd( wd )
res.path <- paste0( wd, "/OUT/" )
dir.create( res.path )

Just before calling the function that fails, I remove, if exist, the old 
files of the directory:

file.remove( paste0( res.path, dir( res.path ) ) )

Then, I call f.texto, whose code is as follows:

f.texto <- function( l, res, a ){
   myfile <- res
   write( paste( "SAIC50. ", a, ", ", date(), sep = "" ), file = paste( 
res.path, myfile, sep = "" ) )
   write( "----------------------------------", file = paste (res.path, 
myfile, sep = ""), append = T )
   write( "\r\n", file = paste( res.path, myfile, sep = "" ), append = T )
   write( l[[6]], file = paste( res.path, myfile, sep = "" ), append = T )
   write( "\r\n", file = paste( res.path, myfile, sep = "" ), append = T )

and I get the next error the first time I run the app and choose the 
wanted option  (then, the error disappears):

Error in file: cannot open the connection.

Warning message:

In file(file, ifelse(append, "a", "w")) :

cannot open the file 
'/tmp/RtmpSQOYnV/OUT/Resultado-ajuste5-ic50-2017-07-19.txt': No such 
file or director

It's like the first time running the app, the file is not created with 
the command /write("...", file = "...") in spite of the option append is 
false. /

Thanks for your help,


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