[R] genetics: backward haplotype transmission association algorithm

Troels Ring tring at gvdnet.dk
Fri Oct 27 15:16:28 CEST 2017

Dear friends - a couple of papers in PNAS (lastly:framework for making 
better predictions by directly estimating variables' predictivity, Lo et 
al PNAS 2016; 113:14277-14282) have focused interest on mapping complex 
traits to multiple loci spread all over the genome. I have been around 
on the relevant taskview(s) I hope but fail to see that the backward 
haplotype transmission association algorithm (BHTA) first described by 
the authors in Hum Hered 2002; 53: 197-215. I wonder whether the 
algorithm has been implemented in R - primarily I ask since I fail to 
understand exactly how the algorithm works and thought R code would help 

All best wishes

Troels Ring
Aalborg, Denmark

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