[R] Converting SAS Code

Jeff Newmiller jdnewmil at dcn.davis.ca.us
Fri Sep 29 20:51:42 CEST 2017

All HTML emails have a plain text part along with the HTML part... but it is usually invisible to the author and is automatically generated by the email composing software and some software is better than others at that job (by a lot). However, without a doubt, sending the email in text form at least means the sender saw the plain text part before it was sent, which removes a potentially huge barrier to communication.  And GMail definitely can send plain text. 
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.

On September 29, 2017 10:21:50 AM PDT, "Kevin E. Thorpe" <kevin.thorpe at utoronto.ca> wrote:
>Regarding point 3, as a moderator I have been helping Andrew get this 
>post out to the list over the past week. His previous attempts were 
>encoded in some way that the listserv rejected. He sent me the post via
>his gmail account and viewing the source I saw it had at least both 
>plain test and HTML an I said it was worth a try to post it. Certainly 
>on my mail client his post displays acceptably with the notice that the
>HTML alternative was removed.
>On 09/29/2017 09:51 AM, Michael Dewey wrote:
>> You might get better answers if you
>> 1 - break this down into separate issues
>> 2 - tell us what you want to achieve in words rather than SAS, we all
>> read English but few of us speak SAS
>> 3 - post in plain text not HTML as HTML mangles your post
>> On 29/09/2017 13:47, Andrew Harmon wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> My statistical analysis training up until this point has been 
>>> entirely done
>>> in SAS. The code I frequently used was:
>>> *Yield Champagin;
>>> data yield;
>>> set stress;
>>> if field='YV' then delete;
>>> if field='HB' then delete;
>>> if barcode='16187DD4015' then delete;
>>> if barcode='16187DD6002' then delete;
>>> if barcode='16187DD2007' then delete;
>>> if barcode='16187DD5016' then delete;
>>> if barcode='16187DD8007' then delete;
>>> if barcode='16187DD7010' then delete;
>>> if barcode='16187DD7007' then delete;
>>> if barcode='16187DD8005' then delete;
>>> if barcode='16187DD6004' then delete;
>>> if barcode='16187DD5008' then delete;
>>> if barcode='16187DD7012' then delete;
>>> if barcode='16187DD6010' then delete;
>>> run; quit;
>>> Title'2016 Asilomar Stress Relief champagin yield';
>>> proc mixed method=reml data=yield;
>>> class rep Management Foliar_Fungicide Chemical_Treatment;
>>> model Grain_Yield__Mg_h_
>>> Final_Stand__Plants_A_ / outpred=resids residual ddfm=kr;
>>> random rep rep*Management rep*Management*Foliar_Fungicide;
>>> lsmeans Management|Foliar_Fungicide|Chemical_Treatment / pdiff;
>>> ods output diffs=ppp lsmeans=means;
>>> ods listing exclude diffs lsmeans;
>>> run; quit;
>>> %include'C:\Users\harmon12\Desktop\pdmix800.sas';
>>> %pdmix800(ppp,means,alpha=0.10,sort=yes);
>>> ods graphics off;
>>> run; quit;
>>> proc univariate data=resids normal plot; id Barcode
>>> pearsonresid; var resid;
>>> proc print data=resids (obs=3);run;
>>> Can someone please help me convert my code to R? Any help would be
>>> appreciated.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Andrew Harmon
>>>     [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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>Kevin E. Thorpe
>Head of Biostatistics,  Applied Health Research Centre (AHRC)
>Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute of St. Michael's Hospital
>Assistant Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health
>University of Toronto
>email: kevin.thorpe at utoronto.ca  Tel: 416.864.5776  Fax: 416.864.3016
>R-help at r-project.org mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see
>PLEASE do read the posting guide
>and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

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