[R] Finding and changing .Rprofile

phiiipsm m@iii@g oii cp@@ei1@stormweb@@et phiiipsm m@iii@g oii cp@@ei1@stormweb@@et
Sat Aug 18 01:55:55 CEST 2018


Quoting Marc Schwartz <marc_schwartz using me.com>:

>> On Aug 17, 2018, at 4:06 PM, philipsm using cpanel1.stormweb.net wrote:
>> I would like to change my .Rprofile file, but I cannot find it. I  
>> use a Mac Pro and RStudio. I believe the file is a hidden file and  
>> I have checked for it accordingly. I can not find it with a  
>> Spotlight search. It is not in my "default working directory". Is  
>> that the same thing as my "home directory"? I believe I can put a  
>> new .Rprofile file in any project directory, but that is not what I  
>> want to do. I want a .Rprofile file that will apply automatically  
>> whenever I start working on another project. Was one installed  
>> automatically when I installed R and RStudio many months ago and if  
>> so, where can I find it? If it was not installed automatically and  
>> I have to create my own, where should I put it?
> Hi,
> As an FYI, there is a dedicated R list for macOS users:
>   https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-sig-mac
> which should be used for macOS specific questions vis-a-vis R.
> The default .Rprofile is stored in your user home folder, which is  
> /Users/YourUserName/.Rprofile or abbreviated as ~/.Rprofile.
> As you note, because it is a hidden file, with a leading '.', Finder  
> and Spotlight will not show it by default.
> You can change that behavior relative to hidden files, by opening a  
> Terminal and using the following command:
>   defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
> then restart Finder, by using Alt-RightClick on the Finder icon in  
> the dock and selecting Relaunch. You can reverse that behavior by  
> changing the TRUE to FALSE in the above command.
> If you don't want to make that global change, you can use the  
> following command in a Terminal session:
>   open -a Textedit ~/.Rprofile
> That will bring up the Textedit editor application with the file  
> loaded. You can then edit the file content and save it.
> Whichever way you edit the file, be sure to restart any R sessions  
> you have running, so that future R sessions will pick up the changes.
> Making the change to that file will generally affect all R sessions  
> for your user profile.
> I don't use RStudio, so it may have other relevant features, and  
> they have their own support lists linked on their site.
> Regards,
> Marc Schwartz

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