[R] Read in data table, change columns from factors

Rich Shepard r@hep@rd @end|ng |rom @pp|-eco@y@@com
Thu Jul 19 18:10:06 CEST 2018

On Thu, 19 Jul 2018, Rich Shepard wrote:

>  I put a zipped data file at this URL:
> <http://www.fileconvoy.com/dfl.php?id=g61a366bb8947de43100009863935141c96f82092d4>

   Since then I reformatted the file to two fields: date-time and elevation.
If anyone wants a copy send me a message off the list and I'll respond with
the modified file attached.

   Because time zone doesn't matter for a single location I'm looking at how
to use chron(). I've downloaded the PDF from CRAN and am trying to apply it
correctly so the dataframe contains two columns: date-time and elevation.
Will probably be asking for help in correctly using chron().


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