[R] Your browser do not suport oracle bi presentation services

José María Mateos chema at rinzewind.org
Sun Mar 11 15:25:51 CET 2018

On Sun, Mar 11, 2018 at 09:12:56AM -0500, KENNETH ROY CABRERA TORRES wrote:
> Hi dear R users: 
> I'm trying the following code to download an information from the web. 
> url1 <- "http://obieebr.banrep.gov.co/analytics/saw.dll?Go&Path=%2fshared%2fSeries%20Estad%C3%ADsticas_T%2f1.%20Tasa%20de%20Cambio%20Peso%20Colombiano%2f1.1%20TRM%20-%20Disponible%20desde%20el%2027%20de%20noviembre%20de%201991%2f1.1.1.TCM_Serie%20hist%C3%B3rica%20o%20por%20a%C3%B1o&Options=rdf&lang=es&NQUser=publico&NQPassword=publico" 
> con <- url(url1, "r") 
> x <- readLines(con) 
> close(con) 
> I obtain the folowing message: 
> "Su explorador no es soportado por Oracle BI Presentation Services." 
> Your browser do not support Oracle BI Presentation Sevices. 

I tried opening that URL with my browser and it worked (or at least I 
think it worked, it took me to a page where I could see a very long 
table titled "Tasa de cambio representativa del mercado (TRM)".

I tried obtaining the page using wget and I got the error you mentioned. 
When I forge wget to identify itself as Firefox, I get returned a 
different code (one that I suppose will redirect me to the page you are 
trying to scrape).

The problem could be solved by telling R to use a different user-agent, 
like Firefox or Chrome. Check 

However, I think the system that provides the HTML content you want 
relies heavily on JavaScript. You might need to end up using something 
like Selenium (https://www.r-bloggers.com/scraping-with-selenium/).


José María (Chema) Mateos
https://rinzewind.org/blog-es || https://rinzewind.org/blog-en

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