[R] [R-pkgs] New package: collateral 0.4.2 on CRAN

James Goldie me @ending from ren@@@co
Mon Nov 19 23:14:49 CET 2018

Hi everyone,

Collateral is now available on CRAN. If you've used purrr's side effect
capturing functions before, you'll love collateral: it provides you with
map variants that automatically wrap your mapped function in safely() or
quietly() and provide nicely printed output, allowing you to quickly see
which elements of a list returned results, and which returned errors,
warnings or messages. The package also provides helpers to let you
summarise your results and filter or aggregate the captured side effects.

If you haven't used a list-column workflow before, I've included a vignette
with collateral to get you started:

If you'd like to contribute to collateral, you can find it on GitHub:

Thanks very much!

James Goldie: PhD Student, Climate Change Research Centre
Email: j.goldie using unsw.edu.au, me using rensa.co
Tel: +61 421 747 208
Skype: james-goldie
Web: https://rensa.co

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