[R] [R studio] Plotting of line chart for each columns at 1 page

Subhamitra Patra @ubh@mitr@@p@tr@ @ending from gm@il@com
Wed Nov 21 04:52:04 CET 2018

Hello Sir,

Thank you very much. I will try it out and will let you the result.

The no. of rows varies per sheet by a different number of observations. Due
to different no. of rows or observations, I separated the columns in
different sheets.

*Will a different number of rows create a problem for appending all plots?*

Concerning your last suggestion "*This seems like a lot of plots, and I
suspect that you could work out a better way to display all this
information.*",  I am doing a multi-country study and obtained results for
each country. I would summarize the final result at the end. But, for
displaying the information for each country, I thought the plot is the best
way to give a supplementary result on each country. Sir, in this context, I
would like to take your suggestion that Is the way what I am doing, right
to proceed? If any alternative way is available, please suggest me.

Thank you very much, Sir, for your kind help and suggestions.

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On Wed, Nov 21, 2018 at 8:18 AM Jim Lemon <drjimlemon using gmail.com> wrote:

> I assume that you are importing the Excel sheets separately. When you
> import a sheet, you can get the number of columns with this:
> ncol(<name of data frame>)
> Using the data frame "mpg" that I created:
> ncolumns<-ncol(mpg)
> ncolumns
> [1] 38
> You can then substitute "ncolumns" each time you import another sheet. How
> you want to deal with the varying numbers of columns you will get is
> another matter. One way is to work out the total number of plots you want
> and put them all onto one PDF page. Say you have 50 plots overall. You
> could start a very big PDF page:
> pdf("allplots.pdf",width=30,height=15)
> par(mfrow=c(5,10))
> # import your first sheet here (38 columns)
> ncolumns<-ncol(mpg)
> for(i in 1:ncolumns)
>  plot(seq(1,500,length.out=10),mpg[,i],type="l",xlab="Distance",
>   ylab="MPG",main=names(mpg)[i])# import your second sheet here, say 10
> columns
> # import your second sheet here, (10 columns)
> ncolumns<-ncol(mpg1)
> for(i in 1:ncolumns)
>  plot(seq(1,500,length.out=10),mpg1[,i],type="l",xlab="Distance",
>   ylab="MPG",main=names(mpg)[i])# import your third sheet here, say 2
> columns
> # import your second sheet here, (2 columns)
> ncolumns<-ncol(mpg2)
> for(i in 1:ncolumns)
>  plot(seq(1,500,length.out=10),mpg2[,i],type="l",xlab="Distance",
>   ylab="MPG",main=names(mpg)[i])
> # finish plotting
> dev.off()
> You would then have 50 plots on the PDF page. I am assuming that all of
> your sheets have the same number of rows and a few other things. This seems
> like a lot of plots, and I suspect that you could work out a better way to
> display all this information.
> Jim
> On Wed, Nov 21, 2018 at 1:20 PM Subhamitra Patra <
> subhamitra.patra using gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello Sir,
>> Thanks, now I understood and will check them out.
>> One more thing I want to ask that I have 1 excel file with multiple (i.e.
>> 12 sheets). Each sheet contains different number of columns, for instance,
>> 1st sheet contains 38 columns, 2nd sheet contains 10 columns, Third 2
>> columns, 4th 1 column and so on. Actually, due to some missing observations
>> in these columns, I couldn't add them in 1 sheet.
>> As you suggested the below code in the last mail,
>> par(mfrow=c(4,10))
>> for(i in 1:38)
>>  plot(seq(1,500,length.out=10),mpg[,i],type="l",xlab="Distance",
>>   ylab="MPG",main=names(mpg)[i])
>> dev.off()
>> Do I need to run the code separately for each sheet?
>> Actually, in par (mfrow=c(4,10)), the plot for 38 columns will be added,
>> the space for extra 2 will remain as empty. So, I thought to add plots for
>> the columns from the next sheet in those emptied space.
>> Is there any way that I can add plots from the next sheets of the same
>> excel file in the emptied space? In other words, Is there any way to append
>> plots from all sheets?
>> Kindly help a new R learner Sir for which I shall be always grateful to
>> you.
>> Thank you very much for your kind help.
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>> On Wed, Nov 21, 2018 at 7:17 AM Jim Lemon <drjimlemon using gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Subhamitra,
>>> 1. Here I manufacture some data so that the example is "reproducible",
>>> that is anyone can run the code and get the same output that I do. Yes,
>>> veh1...veh38 are the names of the variables.
>>> 2. Here I join the 38 variables I created into a data frame, which I
>>> think is the input for your plotting routine. This names of the columns of
>>> the data frame become the names of the variables.
>>> When you say that you want the column names as the "header" (title) of
>>> each plot, I think if you change the plotting loop to this:
>>> pdf("mpg.pdf",width=30,height=12)
>>> par(mfrow=c(4,10))
>>> for(i in 1:38)
>>>  plot(seq(1,500,length.out=10),mpg[,i],type="l",xlab="Distance",
>>>   ylab="MPG",main=names(mpg)[i])
>>> dev.off()
>>> you will get what you requested. Remember that I have done this in base
>>> graphics, not ggplot.
>>> Jim
>>> On Wed, Nov 21, 2018 at 12:37 PM Subhamitra Patra <
>>> subhamitra.patra using gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hello Sir,
>>>> Thanks, I'll check them out.
>>>> But, I am not understanding 2 points of your suggestion.
>>>> 1. In the line,* "*for(i in 1:38) assign(paste0("veh",i),rep(sam
>>>> ple(10:35,1),10)+runif(10,-4,*4))", *what veh, rep(sample(10:35,1),10)
>>>> +runif(10,-4,4)) indicate? Here veh indicates columns right?
>>>> *2. In the
>>>> line, mpg<-data.frame(veh1,veh2,veh3,veh4,veh5,veh6,veh7,veh8,veh9,veh10,*
>>>> * veh11,veh12,veh13,veh14,**veh15,veh16,veh17,veh18,veh19,**veh20,*
>>>> * veh21,veh22,veh23,veh24,**veh25,veh26,veh27,veh28,veh29,**veh30,*
>>>> * veh31,veh32,veh33,veh34,**veh35,veh36,veh37,veh38)  ** , *veh[i]
>>>> indicates column sequence, right? I need to give column names as the header
>>>> of their respective graphs. Please suggest me How to add this?
>>>> I am very new to R and therefore asking you these queries which might
>>>> be simple for you.
>>>> I expect positive help from you.
>>>> Thanks for your kind help.
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>>>> <https://mailtrack.io?utm_source=gmail&utm_medium=signature&utm_campaign=signaturevirality5&> 11/21/18,
>>>> 7:02:18 AM
>>>> On Wed, Nov 21, 2018 at 4:38 AM Jim Lemon <drjimlemon using gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Subhamitra,
>>>>> As Bert noted, you are mixing base and grid graphics. Here is a simple
>>>>> way to get a plot like what you described. It will probably take more
>>>>> work to find what you actually do want and discover how to get it.
>>>>> for(i in 1:38)
>>>>> assign(paste0("veh",i),rep(sample(10:35,1),10)+runif(10,-4,4))
>>>>> mpg<-data.frame(veh1,veh2,veh3,veh4,veh5,veh6,veh7,veh8,veh9,veh10,
>>>>>  veh11,veh12,veh13,veh14,veh15,veh16,veh17,veh18,veh19,veh20,
>>>>>  veh21,veh22,veh23,veh24,veh25,veh26,veh27,veh28,veh29,veh30,
>>>>>  veh31,veh32,veh33,veh34,veh35,veh36,veh37,veh38)
>>>>> pdf("mpg.pdf",width=30,height=12)
>>>>> par(mfrow=c(4,10))
>>>>> for(i in 1:38)
>>>>>  plot(seq(1,500,length.out=10),mpg[,i],type="l",xlab="Distance",
>>>>>   ylab=names(mpg)[i],main="MPG by distance")
>>>>> dev.off()
>>>>> Jim
>>>>> On Wed, Nov 21, 2018 at 5:19 AM Subhamitra Patra
>>>>> <subhamitra.patra using gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Dear R users,
>>>>> >
>>>>> > I have one excel file with 5 sheets. The no. of columns vary for each
>>>>> > sheet. The 1st sheet consists of 38 columns. So, I want to plot 38
>>>>> separate
>>>>> > line charts and arrange them in par(mfrow = c(4, 10)) order. Please
>>>>> suggest
>>>>> > me how to do this. I have tried with the following code by running a
>>>>> loop
>>>>> > inside of a sheet, but it is not working. Further, I want to run
>>>>> loops for
>>>>> > each sheet.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > par(mfrow = c(4, 10))
>>>>> > loop.vector <- 1:38
>>>>> > for (i in loop.vector)
>>>>> > x <- JJ[,i]
>>>>> > library(ggplot2)
>>>>> >   library(cowplot)
>>>>> >   plot.mpg <- ggplot(mpg, aes(x,
>>>>> >                               main = paste ("country", i),
>>>>> >                               xlab = "Scores",
>>>>> >                               xlim = c(1,500)
>>>>> >                               y = colnames[i,], colour =
>>>>> factor(cyl))) +
>>>>> >   geom_line(size=2.5)
>>>>> > save_plot("mpg.png", plot.mpg,
>>>>> >           base_aspect_ratio = 1.3)
>>>>> >
>>>>> > I want to give my X axis name as scores of (1,500) and Y axis as the
>>>>> > particular column names for all graphs.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Please suggest.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Thanks in advance.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > --
>>>>> > *Best Regards,*
>>>>> > *Subhamitra Patra*
>>>>> > *Phd. Research Scholar*
>>>>> > *Department of Humanities and Social Sciences*
>>>>> > *Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur*
>>>>> > *INDIA*
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
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>>>>> > 11:49:42 PM
>>>>> >
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>>>> --
>>>> *Best Regards,*
>>>> *Subhamitra Patra*
>>>> *Phd. Research Scholar*
>>>> *Department of Humanities and Social Sciences*
>>>> *Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur*
>>>> *INDIA*
>> --
>> *Best Regards,*
>> *Subhamitra Patra*
>> *Phd. Research Scholar*
>> *Department of Humanities and Social Sciences*
>> *Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur*
>> *INDIA*

*Best Regards,*
*Subhamitra Patra*
*Phd. Research Scholar*
*Department of Humanities and Social Sciences*
*Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur*

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