[R] importing data error question

Fox, John jfox @ending from mcm@@ter@c@
Fri Jan 11 14:48:38 CET 2019

Dear Petr and jihee,

The Rcmdr can import Excel files, and as I just verified, it can do so on a Mac listing files of all types (*) in the open-file dialog box (which is the default). 

So, as Petr suggests, more information is required to help you, including the versions of macOS, R, and all packages you have loaded. In particular, does the problem occur when you try to read the Excel file *without* FactoMineR and SensoMineR loaded? Also, when the does problem occur -- immediately when you select Data > Import data > From Excel file, or at some other point?


  John Fox, Professor Emeritus
  McMaster University
  Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
  Web: http::/socserv.mcmaster.ca/jfox

> On Jan 11, 2019, at 5:07 AM, PIKAL Petr <petr.pikal using precheza.cz> wrote:
> Hi
> I do not use Rcmdr but from documentation it seems to me that it does not have much to do with importing data from Excel.
> So without some additional info from your side (at least used commands) you hardly get any reasonable answer.
> Cheers
> Petr
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: R-help <r-help-bounces using r-project.org> On Behalf Of ???
>> Sent: Friday, January 11, 2019 9:14 AM
>> To: r-help using R-project.org
>> Subject: [R] importing data error question
>> Hi I'm jihee and I have a question about error...
>> I'm using R 3.5.2 and tried to use Rcmdr package.
>> and using FactoMineR and SensoMineR to analyze sensory data through PCA
>> but i can't import excel data with Rcmdr.
>> it has this messege :
>> Error in structure(.External(.C_dotTclObjv, objv), class = "tclObj") :
>>   [tcl] bad Macintosh file type "“*”"
>> what is wrong with my R??? T_T
>> Thanks for your help.
>> jihee.
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