[R] A simple string alienation question.

Sam Charya @@mch@ry@ @end|ng |rom y@hoo@com@@u
Tue Apr 14 11:28:24 CEST 2020


Hello Dear R Community,
I would ask a little bit of help from you please:I have a dataset, which is in a CSV file – I have read it into R as follows: 
                 V11   tropical fruit"2       whole milk"3        pip fruit"4 other vegetables"5       whole milk"6       rolls/buns"
The issue is: the data set in Csv file also appears with the quotation marks “. I can’t get rid of the quotation marks. I want to do it in R. The Quotes only appear at the end of the string. The dataset has many rows – this is just a copy. My intention is to be able to get rid of the quotes and then want to separate the strings with a ‘/’. i.e. rolls/buns should be rolls in one column and buns in another.
I know this is something very simple I am lacking – but if you could please show me how to do this? If someone could throw some light please. I read the data in with a simple read.csv statement: 
 calc <- read.csv("Fight.csv", stringsAsFactors = F, header = F)  str(x) 
Output: > str(calc)'data.frame': 38765 obs. of  1 variable: $ V1: chr  "tropical fruit\"" "whole milk\"" "pip fruit\"" "other vegetables\"" ...
Many Thanks in advance for your help.
Kind Regards,

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