[R] Subset a data frame with specific date

ani jaya g@@@uu| @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Tue Jan 14 08:00:45 CET 2020

Dear Jeff and Bert,

Thank you for your correction and explanation.
Yes, I need more study regarding date format and
sorry for HTML mail.

I was able to subset data that I want.

mjo30<-read.table("rmm.txt", header=FALSE, skip=4234, nrows=10957)
names(mjo30)<-c("year","month","day", "rmm1","rmm2","phase","amp")
mjo3<-as.Date(with(mjo30,paste(year,month, day, sep="-")),"%Y-%m-%d")

     year month day      rmm1      rmm2 phase      amp
115  1986     4  25 -0.319090 -0.363030     2 0.483332
526  1987     6  10  1.662870  0.291632     5 1.688250
977  1988     9   3 -0.604950 -0.299850     1 0.675181
1374 1989    10   5  0.972298 -0.461030     4 1.076060
1760 1990    10  26 -1.183110 -1.589810     2 1.981730
1953 1991     5   7 -0.317180  0.953061     7 1.004450


On Tue, Jan 14, 2020 at 3:56 PM ani jaya <gaaauul using gmail.com> wrote:

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