[R] Fwd: Problem in plotting Circos plot with the attached dataset

pooja sinha pj@|nh@07 @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Sun Jan 26 14:45:34 CET 2020

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: pooja sinha <pjsinha07 using gmail.com>
Date: Fri 24 Jan, 2020, 15:06
Subject: Problem in plotting Circos plot with the attached dataset
To: <r-help using r-project.org>

Hi I have attached the three different datasets for Rn6 genome and I needed
to use circos plot by circlize package in R. Please help me in writing the
code and making plot. Any help will be highly appreciated.

The outermost ring contain Rn6 ideogram followed by YOUNGCONTROL,
YOUNGTREATED & last circle will be of


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