[R] Query on contour plots

Neotropical bat risk assessments neotrop|c@|@b@t@ @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Tue Jun 2 22:22:06 CEST 2020

Hi Abby,

The contour lines are actually useful to see groupings.
However w/o a legend for density it is not possible to see what is 
>> Very nice
> Jim, thank you.
> However, the (deterministic, or near-deterministic) diagonal lines in
> the plot, make me question the suitability of this approach.
> In my plot, the contour lines could be removed, and brighter colors
> could be used.
> But perhaps, a better approach would be to model those lines...
> And it's not clear from the plot, if all the observations fall on a
> diagonal line...
> P.S.
> I'm not sure why there's a white line on the plot.
> Most of my testing was with PDF output, I will need to do some more
> testing with PNG output.

Bruce W. Miller, PhD.
Neotropical bat risk assessments
Conservation Fellow - Wildlife Conservation Society

If we lose the bats, we may lose much of the tropical vegetation and the lungs of the planet

Using acoustic sampling to identify and map species distributions
and pioneering acoustic tools for ecology and conservation of bats for >25 years.

Key projects include providing free interactive identification keys and call fact sheets for the vocal signatures of New World Bats

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