[R] stats:: spline's method could not be monoH.FC

Abby Spurdle @purd|e@@ @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Sun May 3 12:19:24 CEST 2020

Hi Mark,

The article is good.
However, there's still some grey areas.

The documentation for base::typeof equates a closure with a function.
However, the article defines a closure as a function together with an
A very minor difference I know, but it creates the problem that the
word closure is used inconsistently.
And that's without even getting into "frames".

Equating a closure with a function (only), is perhaps misleading...???

Also, re-iterating I use function objects with attributes.
(I prefer this approach, because I can make copies of function
objects, and if necessary modify them).
My guess is that doesn't meet the definition of an R closure (if you
ignore the environment)...???, and it's unclear whether it meets the
definition of a closure, more generally...???

So, I've still got the same problem, of how to refer to functions that
have *either* attributes *or* environments, containing data.
Maybe I should just stick to "Self-Referencing Function Objects" and
"Functions Bundled with Data"...???

One last thing, the last time I read S4 documentation, I couldn't tell
if it was possible to have S4-based function objects, and if so, could
the body of the S4-based function object (while being called) access
it's own slots...???

On Sun, May 3, 2020 at 4:27 PM Mark Leeds <markleeds2 using gmail.com> wrote:
> Abby: Here is an article on environments/closures which might be useful to you. I was reviewing environments recently and it
> was a clear explanation of how environments/closures work in R. Even though it's from 2000, I'm pretty certain that everything
> said in it still holds.

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