[R] unstable results of nlxb fit

Bernard McGarvey mcg@rvey@bern@rd @end|ng |rom comc@@t@net
Thu May 7 23:41:38 CEST 2020

John/Petr, I think there is an issue between a global optimum and local optima. I added a multistart loop around the code to see if I could find different solutions. Here is the code I added (I am not a great coder so please excuse any inefficiencies in this code segment):

# Multistart approach
NT <- 100
Results <- matrix(data=NA, nrow = NT, ncol=5, dimnames=list(NULL,c("SS", "A", "B", "a", "b")))
A1 <- runif(NT,0,100)
B1 <- runif(NT,0,100)
a1 <- runif(NT,0.0,0.1)
b1 <- runif(NT,0.0,0.1)
for (I in 1:NT) {
  if (A1[I] > B1[I]) { # Ensure that the A'a are always the lower so that nlxb() always converge to the same values
    A0 <- A1[I]
    a0 <- a1[I]
    A1[I] <- B1[I]
    a1[I] <- b1[I]
    B1[I] <- A0
    b1[I] <- a0
  fit <- nlxb(tsmes ~ A*exp(a*plast) + B* exp(b*plast), data=temp,
              start=list(A=A1[I], B=B1[I], a=a1[I], b=b1[I]))
  ccc <- coef(fit)
  Results[I,1] <- fit$ssquares
  Results[I,2] <- ccc[1]
  Results[I,3] <- ccc[2]
  Results[I,4] <- ccc[3]
  Results[I,5] <- ccc[4]

What I found is that the minimum SS generated at each trial had two distinct values, 417.8 and 3359.2. The A,B,a, and b values when the SS was 417.8 were all the same but I got different values for the case where the minimal SS was 3359.2. This indicates that the SS=417.8 may be the global minimum solution whereas the others are local optima. Here are the iteration results for a 100 trial multistart:

           SS           A           B           a           b
  [1,] 3359.2  8.3546e+03  6.8321e+00   -1.988226  2.6139e-02
  [2,] 3359.2  8.2865e+03  6.8321e+00   -5.201735  2.6139e-02
  [3,]  417.8  3.9452e-13  9.7727e+00    0.280227  2.1798e-02
  [4,] 3359.2  6.8321e+00  7.7888e+02    0.026139 -7.2812e-01
  [5,] 3359.2 -3.9020e+01  4.5852e+01    0.026139  2.6139e-02
  [6,] 3359.2  6.8321e+00  2.6310e+02    0.026139 -1.8116e+00
  [7,] 3359.2 -2.1509e+01  2.8341e+01    0.026139  2.6139e-02
  [8,] 3359.2 -3.8075e+01  4.4908e+01    0.026139  2.6139e-02
  [9,]  417.8  3.9452e-13  9.7727e+00    0.280227  2.1798e-02
 [10,] 3359.2  1.2466e+04  6.8321e+00   -4.196000  2.6139e-02
 [11,]  417.8  9.7727e+00  3.9452e-13    0.021798  2.8023e-01
 [12,]  417.8  3.9452e-13  9.7727e+00    0.280227  2.1798e-02
 [13,]  417.8  3.9452e-13  9.7727e+00    0.280227  2.1798e-02
 [14,] 3359.2  3.8018e+02  6.8321e+00   -0.806414  2.6139e-02
 [15,] 3359.2 -3.1921e+00  1.0024e+01    0.026139  2.6139e-02
 [16,]  417.8  3.9452e-13  9.7727e+00    0.280227  2.1798e-02
 [17,] 3359.2 -1.5938e+01  2.2770e+01    0.026139  2.6139e-02
 [18,] 3359.2 -3.1205e+01  3.8037e+01    0.026139  2.6139e-02
 [19,]  417.8  3.9452e-13  9.7727e+00    0.280227  2.1798e-02
 [20,]  417.8  3.9452e-13  9.7727e+00    0.280227  2.1798e-02
 [21,] 3359.2  8.6627e+03  6.8321e+00   -3.319778  2.6139e-02
 [22,] 3359.2  6.8321e+00  1.9318e+01    0.026139 -6.5773e-01
 [23,] 3359.2  6.2991e+01 -5.6159e+01    0.026139  2.6139e-02
 [24,] 3359.2  2.8865e-03  6.8321e+00   -1.576307  2.6139e-02
 [25,] 3359.2 -1.2496e+01  1.9328e+01    0.026139  2.6139e-02
 [26,] 3359.2 -5.9432e+00  1.2775e+01    0.026139  2.6139e-02
 [27,] 3359.2  1.6884e+02  6.8321e+00 -211.866423  2.6139e-02
 [28,]  417.8  3.9452e-13  9.7727e+00    0.280227  2.1798e-02
 [29,] 3359.2  5.4972e+03  6.8321e+00   -3.432094  2.6139e-02
 [30,] 3359.2  6.8321e+00  1.4427e+03    0.026139 -4.2771e+02
 [31,]  417.8  9.7727e+00  3.9452e-13    0.021798  2.8023e-01
 [32,] 3359.2  3.5760e+01 -2.8928e+01    0.026139  2.6139e-02
 [33,] 3359.2  6.8321e+00 -4.0737e+02    0.026139 -6.7152e-01
 [34,] 3359.2  6.8321e+00  1.2638e+04    0.026139 -2.8070e+00
 [35,] 3359.2  1.1813e+01 -4.9807e+00    0.026139  2.6139e-02
 [36,]  417.8  3.9452e-13  9.7727e+00    0.280227  2.1798e-02
 [37,] 3359.2  6.8321e+00  1.2281e+03    0.026139 -3.0702e+02
 [38,]  417.8  3.9452e-13  9.7727e+00    0.280227  2.1798e-02
 [39,] 3359.2 -2.6850e+01  3.3682e+01    0.026139  2.6139e-02
 [40,]  417.8  3.9452e-13  9.7727e+00    0.280227  2.1798e-02
 [41,]  417.8  9.7727e+00  3.9452e-13    0.021798  2.8023e-01
 [42,] 3359.2 -2.3279e+01  3.0111e+01    0.026139  2.6139e-02
 [43,]  417.8  3.9452e-13  9.7727e+00    0.280227  2.1798e-02
 [44,] 3359.2  6.8321e+00  1.4550e+03    0.026139 -4.0303e+00
 [45,] 3359.2 -1.1386e+01  1.8218e+01    0.026139  2.6139e-02
 [46,] 3359.2  8.8026e+02  6.8321e+00  -65.430608  2.6139e-02
 [47,] 3359.2 -8.1985e+00  1.5031e+01    0.026139  2.6139e-02
 [48,] 3359.2 -6.7767e+00  1.3609e+01    0.026139  2.6139e-02
 [49,] 3359.2 -1.1436e+01  1.8268e+01    0.026139  2.6139e-02
 [50,] 3359.2  1.0710e+04  6.8321e+00   -2.349659  2.6139e-02
 [51,]  417.8  9.7727e+00  3.9452e-13    0.021798  2.8023e-01
 [52,] 3359.2  6.8321e+00  7.1837e+02    0.026139 -7.4681e-01
 [53,]  417.8  3.9452e-13  9.7727e+00    0.280227  2.1798e-02
 [54,]  417.8  9.7727e+00  3.9452e-13    0.021798  2.8023e-01
 [55,] 3359.2 -4.8774e+00  6.8321e+00  -16.405584  2.6139e-02
 [56,] 3359.2  1.2687e+03  6.8321e+00   -3.775998  2.6139e-02
 [57,] 3359.2  1.5529e+01 -8.6967e+00    0.026139  2.6139e-02
 [58,] 3359.2 -1.0003e+01  1.6835e+01    0.026139  2.6139e-02
 [59,] 3359.2  6.8321e+00  3.9291e+02    0.026139 -4.1974e+02
 [60,] 3359.2 -2.1880e+01  2.8712e+01    0.026139  2.6139e-02
 [61,] 3359.2  4.1736e+03  6.8321e+00  -10.711457  2.6139e-02
 [62,] 3359.2 -3.3185e+01  4.0017e+01    0.026139  2.6139e-02
 [63,] 3359.2  7.6732e+02  6.8321e+00   -0.723977  2.6139e-02
 [64,] 3359.2  1.5334e+04  6.8321e+00  -52.573620  2.6139e-02
 [65,] 3359.2 -2.9556e+01  3.6388e+01    0.026139  2.6139e-02
 [66,] 3359.2 -1.0447e+00  7.8767e+00    0.026139  2.6139e-02
 [67,] 3359.2  6.8321e+00  2.1471e+02    0.026139 -7.0582e+01
 [68,]  417.8  9.7727e+00  3.9452e-13    0.021798  2.8023e-01
 [69,] 3359.2 -2.2293e+01  2.9126e+01    0.026139  2.6139e-02
 [70,] 3359.2  6.2259e+02  6.8321e+00   -2.782527  2.6139e-02
 [71,] 3359.2 -1.4639e+01  2.1471e+01    0.026139  2.6139e-02
 [72,]  417.8  3.9452e-13  9.7727e+00    0.280227  2.1798e-02
 [73,]  417.8  3.9452e-13  9.7727e+00    0.280227  2.1798e-02
 [74,]  417.8  3.9452e-13  9.7727e+00    0.280227  2.1798e-02
 [75,] 3359.2 -2.3449e+01  3.0281e+01    0.026139  2.6139e-02
 [76,] 3359.2 -2.5926e+01  6.8321e+00   -0.663656  2.6139e-02
 [77,]  417.8  9.7727e+00  3.9452e-13    0.021798  2.8023e-01
 [78,] 3359.2  6.8321e+00  6.9426e+02    0.026139 -1.9442e+00
 [79,] 3359.2  2.8684e+02  6.8321e+00   -0.854394  2.6139e-02
 [80,]  417.8  3.9452e-13  9.7727e+00    0.280227  2.1798e-02
 [81,] 3359.2 -4.5066e+01  5.1899e+01    0.026139  2.6139e-02
 [82,] 3359.2  4.4678e+03  6.8321e+00   -2.109446  2.6139e-02
 [83,] 3359.2  3.1376e+03  6.8321e+00   -1.104803  2.6139e-02
 [84,] 3359.2  6.8321e+00  1.1167e+02    0.026139 -1.0280e+00
 [85,]  417.8  3.9452e-13  9.7727e+00    0.280227  2.1798e-02
 [86,] 3359.2  5.3864e+02  6.8321e+00   -0.657971  2.6139e-02
 [87,] 3359.2  4.8227e+01  6.8321e+00   -2.304024  2.6139e-02
 [88,] 3359.2 -2.2048e+01  2.8880e+01    0.026139  2.6139e-02
 [89,]  417.8  3.9452e-13  9.7727e+00    0.280227  2.1798e-02
 [90,] 3359.2  6.8321e+00 -4.1689e+01    0.026139 -3.6049e+00
 [91,]  417.8  9.7727e+00  3.9452e-13    0.021798  2.8023e-01
 [92,] 3359.2 -4.1265e+01  4.8097e+01    0.026139  2.6139e-02
 [93,] 3359.2 -1.1565e+01  1.8397e+01    0.026139  2.6139e-02
 [94,] 3359.2  2.3698e+01 -1.6866e+01    0.026139  2.6139e-02
 [95,] 3359.2  4.4700e+03  6.8321e+00  -12.836180  2.6139e-02
 [96,] 3359.2  4.6052e+04  6.8321e+00   -7.158584  2.6139e-02
 [97,] 3359.2  2.5464e+03  6.8321e+00   -1.811626  2.6139e-02
 [98,] 3359.2  6.8321e+00  1.0338e+03    0.026139 -1.5365e+01
 [99,] 3359.2  1.3783e+01 -6.9507e+00    0.026139  2.6139e-02
[100,] 3359.2  6.8321e+00  6.7153e+02    0.026139 -1.5975e+03

Hope this helps,

Bernard McGarvey

Director, Fort Myers Beach Lions Foundation, Inc.

Retired (Lilly Engineering Fellow).

> On May 7, 2020 at 9:33 AM J C Nash <profjcnash using gmail.com> wrote:
> The double exponential is well-known as a disaster to fit. Lanczos in his
> 1956 book Applied Analysis, p. 276 gives a good example which is worked through.
> I've included it with scripts using nlxb in my 2014 book on Nonlinear Parameter
> Optimization Using R Tools (Wiley). The scripts were on Wiley's site for the book,
> but I've had difficulty getting Wiley to fix things and not checked lately if it
> is still accessible. Ask off-list if you want the script and I'll dig into my
> archives.
> nlxb (preferably from nlsr which you used rather than nlmrt which is now not
> maintained), will likely do as well as any general purpose code. There may be
> special approaches that do a bit better, but I suspect the reality is that
> the underlying problem is such that there are many sets of parameters with
> widely different values that will get quite similar sums of squares.
> Best, JN
> On 2020-05-07 9:12 a.m., PIKAL Petr wrote:
> > Dear all
> > 
> > I started to use nlxb instead of nls to get rid of singular gradient error.
> > I try to fit double exponential function to my data, but results I obtain
> > are strongly dependent on starting values. 
> > 
> > tsmes ~ A*exp(a*plast) + B* exp(b*plast)
> > 
> > Changing b from 0.1 to 0.01 gives me completely different results. I usually
> > check result by a plot but could the result be inspected if it achieved good
> > result without plotting?
> > 
> > Or is there any way how to perform such task?
> > 
> > Cheers
> > Petr
> > 
> > Below is working example.
> > 
> >> dput(temp)
> > temp <- structure(list(tsmes = c(31, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 33, 
> > 34, 35, 35, 36, 36, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 41, 43, 
> > 44, 44, 44, 46, 47, 47, 47, 47, 48, 49, 51, 51, 51, 52, 53, 54, 
> > 54, 55, 57, 57, 57, 59, 59, 60, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 66, 67, 67, 
> > 68, 70, 72, 74, 76, 78, 81, 84, 85, 86, 88, 90, 91, 92, 94, 96, 
> > 97, 99, 100, 102, 104, 106, 109, 112, 115, 119, 123, 127, 133, 
> > 141, 153, 163, 171), plast = c(50, 51, 52, 52, 53, 53, 53, 54, 
> > 55, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 64, 64, 65, 65, 66, 
> > 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 75, 76, 76, 77, 77, 78, 
> > 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 85, 86, 86, 87, 88, 88, 89, 90, 
> > 91, 91, 93, 93, 94, 95, 96, 96, 97, 98, 98, 99, 100, 100, 101, 
> > 102, 103, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 
> > 112, 113, 113, 114, 115, 116)), row.names = 2411:2500, class = "data.frame")
> > 
> > library(nlsr)
> > 
> > fit <- nlxb(tsmes ~ A*exp(a*plast) + B* exp(b*plast), data=temp,
> > start=list(A=1, B=15, a=0.025, b=0.01))
> > coef(fit)
> >            A            B            a            b 
> > 3.945167e-13 9.772749e+00 2.802274e-01 2.179781e-02 
> > 
> > plot(temp$plast, temp$tsmes, ylim=c(0,200))
> > lines(temp$plast, predict(fit, newdata=temp), col="pink", lwd=3)
> > ccc <- coef(fit)
> > lines(0:120,ccc[1]*exp(ccc[3]*(0:120)))
> > lines(0:120,ccc[2]*exp(ccc[4]*(0:120)), lty=3, lwd=2)
> > 
> > # wrong fit with slightly different b
> > fit <- nlxb(tsmes ~ A*exp(a*plast) + B* exp(b*plast), data=temp,
> > start=list(A=1, B=15, a=0.025, b=0.1))
> > coef(fit)
> >            A            B            a            b 
> > 2911.6448377    6.8320597  -49.1373979    0.0261391 
> > lines(temp$plast, predict(fit, newdata=temp), col="red", lwd=3)
> > ccc <- coef(fit)
> > lines(0:120,ccc[1]*exp(ccc[3]*(0:120)), col="red")
> > lines(0:120,ccc[2]*exp(ccc[4]*(0:120)), lty=3, lwd=2, col="red")
> > 
> > 
> > ______________________________________________
> > R-help using r-project.org mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see
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> > PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html
> > and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
> >
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