[R] how to extract strings in any column and in any row that start with

Abby Spurdle @purd|e@@ @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Fri May 15 23:42:07 CEST 2020

> How would I extract from it all strings that start with E10?

Hi Ana,

Here's a simple solution:

    x <- c ("P24601", "E101", "E102", "3.141593",
        "E101", "xE101", "e103", " E104 ")

    x [substring (x, 1, 3) == "E10"]

You' will need to replace x with another *character vector*.
(As touched on earlier, a data.frame may cause some problems).

Here's some variations:

    unique (x [substring (x, 1, 3) == "E10"])

    y <- toupper (x)
    y [substring (y, 1, 3) == "E10"]

    y <- trimws (x)
    y [substring (y, 1, 3) == "E10"]

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