[R] Rolling 7 day incidence

Dr Eberhard Lisse no@p@m @end|ng |rom ||@@e@NA
Tue Aug 17 14:30:18 CEST 2021


thank you very much, this pointed me in the right direction (to refine
my Google search :-)-O):


	 as_tibble(coronavirus) %>%
		 filter(country=='Namibia' & type=="confirmed") %>%
		 mutate(rollsum = rollapplyr(cases, 7, sum, partial=TRUE)) %>%
		 arrange(desc(date)) %>%
		 mutate(R7=rollsum / 25.4 )  %>%

gives me something like

	 # A tibble: 573 × 2
		 date          R7
		 <date>     <dbl>
	  1 2021-08-16  52.8
	  2 2021-08-15  56.1
	  3 2021-08-14  55.6
	  4 2021-08-13  63.1
	  5 2021-08-12  62.8
	  6 2021-08-11  63.7
	  7 2021-08-10  67.3
	  8 2021-08-09  69.3
	  9 2021-08-08  69.2
	 10 2021-08-07  74.5
	 # … with 563 more rows

which seems to be correct :-)-O so I can now play with ggplot2 over the
weekend :-)-O

greetings, el

On 17/08/2021 12:46, PIKAL Petr wrote:
> Hi.
> There are several ways how to do it.  You could find them easily using
> Google.  e.g.
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19200841/consecutive-rolling-sums-in-a-vector-in-r
> where you find several options.
> Cheers
> Petr

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