[R] Package to generate moon phase - SR-SS

Jeff Newmiller jdnewm|| @end|ng |rom dcn@d@v|@@c@@u@
Sun Mar 7 16:37:06 CET 2021

Odd.. came right up for me. Perhaps you might find rseek.org easier to use?

On March 7, 2021 5:03:20 AM PST, Neotropical bat risk assessments and acoustic tools <neotropical.bats using gmail.com> wrote:
>Hi all
>I have not found a package by Googling, but assume there must be at 
>least one out there.
>I need to generate/write sun rise-sun set times (civil twilight) and 
>moon phase/illumination.
>I would like to add a start date and end date along with location 
>coordinates and have a table generated like below.
>This is from a legacy program acquired some 30 years ago and is no 
>longer available.  This can only generate 1 month at a time (subset 
>below).  But for a year at a time both historical and for future dates 
>and locations.
>For this legacy program I enter the date and select a location I have
>a simple TXT location file location with time-zone and X-Y coordinates 
>and it will generate a month at a time.  this can be dumped to the 
>clipboard but not written as a TXT or delimited file.
>I am hoping there will be an elegant way to do this in R and have the 
>results written to a file for import into an Access DB.
>Tnx for any suggestions  on package(s).
>Sample below.
>                     Sun and Moon Data for March 2021
>                          17.05°N  88.57°W  5hrW
>                       Standard Time  Civil Twilight
>                             Sun                         Moon
>       Date    Twi.  Rise  Transit  Set    Twi.  Rise  Transit Set    %
>    3/1/2021  06:50  07:12  13:07  19:01  19:23  21:36  02:52  09:04 92
>    3/2/2021  06:50  07:11  13:06  19:01  19:23  22:35  03:43  09:47 85
>    3/3/2021  06:49  07:11  13:06  19:02  19:23  23:35  04:35  10:31 76
>    3/4/2021  06:48  07:10  13:06  19:02  19:24  *****  05:28  11:18 65

Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.

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