[R] Warning msg after reinstall?

Ivan Krylov kry|ov@r00t @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Mon Nov 8 08:43:16 CET 2021

On Sun, 7 Nov 2021 17:07:20 -0500
Brian Lunergan <ff809 using ncf.ca> wrote:

> I run R on Linux Mint 19.3.

If my advice below doesn't help, let's continue this in the other
mailing list, r-sig-debian using r-project.org

> Warning messages:
> 1: In readLines(file, skipNul = TRUE) :
>   cannot open compressed file
> '/usr/lib/R/site-library/labelled/DESCRIPTION', probable reason 'No
> such file or directory'
> 2: In readLines(file, skipNul = TRUE) :
>   cannot open compressed file
> '/usr/lib/R/site-library/TH.data/DESCRIPTION', probable reason 'No
> such file or directory'

It seems that you've been installing packages into the system-wide
library. Could you try removing all R-related deb packages from your
system, wiping the directories /usr/lib/R and /usr/share/R, then
installing R again? Alternatively, write a script to search files and
directories in /usr/lib/R and /usr/share/R, use `dpkg -S` to see if
it's owned by a package and move it away if not. Both options are quite
a bit dangerous, though.

On second thought, what is in /usr/lib/R/site-library/labelled
and /usr/lib/R/site-library/TH.data? If the two directories are empty,
you can just remove them.

Best regards,

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