[R] Do not show a "message d'avis" that qbeta reports

Marc Girondot m@rc_grt @end|ng |rom y@hoo@|r
Wed Oct 20 12:19:51 CEST 2021

Dear R-helpers

Do you know how to not show a "message d'avis" that qbeta reports. 
suppressMessages and capture.output are not working.

(PS I Know that qbeta with shape2 being 1e-7 is "strange"... this is 
obtained during an optimization process. Just I don't want see the 


Marc Girondot

q <- qbeta(p=c(0.025, 0.975), shape1 = 3.3108797, shape2 = 0.0000001)
Message d'avis :
Dans qbeta(p = c(0.025, 0.975), shape1 = 3.3108797, shape2 = 1e-07) :
   qbeta(a, *) =: x0 with |pbeta(x0,*) - alpha| = 0.024997 is not accurate

suppressMessages(q <- qbeta(p=c(0.025, 0.975), shape1 = 3.3108797, 
shape2 = 0.0000001))
Message d'avis :
Dans qbeta(p = c(0.025, 0.975), shape1 = 3.3108797, shape2 = 1e-07) :
   qbeta(a, *) =: x0 with |pbeta(x0,*) - alpha| = 0.024997 is not accurate

capture.output(q <- qbeta(p=c(0.025, 0.975), shape1 = 3.3108797, shape2 
= 0.0000001), type = "message")
Message d'avis :
Dans qbeta(p = c(0.025, 0.975), shape1 = 3.3108797, shape2 = 1e-07) :
   qbeta(a, *) =: x0 with |pbeta(x0,*) - alpha| = 0.024997 is not accurate

capture.output(q <- qbeta(p=c(0.025, 0.975), shape1 = 3.3108797, shape2 
= 0.0000001), type = "output")
Message d'avis :
Dans qbeta(p = c(0.025, 0.975), shape1 = 3.3108797, shape2 = 1e-07) :
   qbeta(a, *) =: x0 with |pbeta(x0,*) - alpha| = 0.024997 is not accurate

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