[R] cleanup/replacing a value on condition of another value

Dr Eberhard W Lisse no@p@m @end|ng |rom ||@@e@NA
Mon Oct 25 13:25:44 CEST 2021


I have data from JHU via the 'coronavirus' package which has a value for
the confirmed cases for 2021-10-23 which differs drastically (357) from
what is reported in country (23).

	# A tibble: 962 × 4
	  country date       type      cases
	  <chr>   <date>     <chr>     <int>
	1 Namibia 2021-10-24 confirmed    23
	2 Namibia 2021-10-24 death         4
	3 Namibia 2021-10-23 confirmed   357
	4 Namibia 2021-10-23 death         1
	5 Namibia 2021-10-22 confirmed    30
	6 Namibia 2021-10-22 death         1
	# … with 956 more rows

I am using a '%>%' pipeline and am struggling to mutate 'cases' to NA
using something like

	country == 'Namibia' & date == '2021-10-23' & cases == 357

so that if or when the data-set is corrected I don't have to change the
code (immediately), even after some googling.

I can do

	cases == 357

only, but that could find other cases as well, which is obviously not 
the thing to do

Any suggestions?

greetings, el

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