[R] Improve my plot

Rui Barradas ru|pb@rr@d@@ @end|ng |rom @@po@pt
Mon Sep 20 21:54:28 CEST 2021


With package ggplot2 this is easy.
ggplot2 is meant to work with data in lists or data.frames, so I use the 
new pipe operator to pass the data on to ggplot().

h <- c(574,557,544,535,534,532,531,527,526,525,

nms <- c("Fribourg(f)","Valais(d)","Appenzell Rhodes Intérieures",
          "Thurgovie","Valais(f)","Argovie","Appenzell Rhodes Extérieures",
nms <- factor(nms, levels = nms)


data.frame(height = h, names = nms) |>
   ggplot(aes(names, height)) +
   geom_col(fill = "deepskyblue2") +
   coord_flip() +
   theme_classic() +
   theme(axis.text.y = element_text(face = "italic"))

Hope this helps,

Rui Barradas

Às 20:24 de 20/09/21, varin sacha via R-help escreveu:
> Dear R-experts,
> Here below my R code. I would need your help to improve my graph/plot.
> - The x-axis to be longer not to stop at 500 value
> - All the name on the y-axis to appear not only a few of them and the name (Fribourg(f), Appenzell Rhodes Intérieures,...) to appear entire, not to be cut
> Many thanks.
> ##############
> barplot(height=c(574,557,544,535,534,532,531,527,526,525,524,520,518,512,507,504,504,489,488,488,487,484,484,474,472,455,444,420),names.arg=c("Fribourg(f)","Valais(d)","Appenzell Rhodes Intérieures","Fribourg(d)","Jura","Schwyz","Schaffhouse","Berne(f)","Thurgovie","Valais(f)","Argovie","Appenzell Rhodes Extérieures","Genève","Zoug","Tessin","Neuchâtel","Vaud","Uri","Nidwald","Berne(d)","Zurich","Obwald","Saint-Gall","Soleure","Lucerne","Glaris","Bâle-Campagne","Bâle-Ville"),font.axis=4, horiz=T,col="deepskyblue2",las=2)
> ##############
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